Flying to a sustainability conference is like hitting a piano with a sledgehammer to learn to play music

December 31, 2022 by Joshua
in Nature

The title says it all.

Hit a piano with a sledgehammer and you’ll get some noise. You can call it music if you want, but I prefer to play scales. I start with a mindset shift then follow with a lifelong process of continual improvement, the Spodek Method. We overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can in a year. That’s how you reach Carnegie Hall and it’s how we could, as a culture, reach sustainability.

I was invited to another conference on sustainability. People were flying from all over the world to attend.

Why should anyone listen to you suggest we pollute less if you don’t listen to yourself?

If you think life is that much worse living sustainably, why promote it to others?

If you think your work is so important that even though you pollute, it’s worth it (never mind that other people are paying the price in sickness and lost life, not you), why promote it? Why not just say “fuck it, we can’t avoid the iceberg, let’s just ram it full throttle?”

Oh wait, the more we conserve, the more lives we can save, the more suffering we can reduce.

I’ll say it again: “Flying to a sustainability conference is like hitting a piano with a sledgehammer to learn to play music”

aviation airplane pollution

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