Here Comes The Sun 2019 brings tears to my eyes
Abbey Road was the first album I listened to until the little orange plastic record player I played it on either destroyed the grooves or the record destroyed the needle.
It was the 70s. I didn’t know music. My taste has since matured, but I never stopped loving the Beatles.
The 2019 remix of Here Comes The Sun differs only slightly from the original but it brought tears to my eyes.
1969 was a difficult time, before I was born. I understand John, Paul, George, and Ringo were arguing and breaking up, but I love what they recorded.
Hearing it now hit me on two levels.
First, 2019 are difficult times too. This new release reminded me of how serious and how wrapped up in my work I get and broke me out of the intensity. I love my food and my work and find joy in it. I love the connections my work creates. But I get deep into enough into it to miss the sun shining.
This song is warm and comforting, two feelings I haven’t focused on lately. More to the point, this remix is more warm and more comfortable.
Second, it showed people still work on these old songs, finding and bringing out nuances. Someone worked probably long hours to distill new things for an audience that, as much as we love the song, didn’t expect anything new. Part of the strong feeling it evoked came from that surprise empathy and feeling of community still active and growing.
I like this newly released version too:
If you click around the internet, you can find reviews and backstories to the new release, which generally tell backstories to the original recording. I recommend looking.
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