Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.

April 20, 2016 by Joshua
in Entrepreneurship, Inc.com, Leadership

My Inc.com story yesterday, “Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.” begins

Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead

Mainstream society values hope. If you’re in business, relying on hope means you’ve nearly failed and you should know why.

In a scene in the great TV show Cheers where Sam is down on his luck, Diane says in a chipper tone to cheer him up, “At least you still have your health.”

Everyone at the bar — Norm, Cliff, Woody, etc — suddenly groans, like they just saw a puppy die.

“What? What did I say?” Diane asks, confused and surprised.

Carla explains, “When you say someone has their health, it means they have nothing else. They’ve hit rock bottom. You’re telling them their life is as bad as it can get. What a horrible thing to say!”

As a businessman and entrepreneur, I’ve come to see hope the same way.

Read the rest at Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.

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