Join guest J.B. MacKinnon and the Sierra Club for a webinar, April 13: Climate Change and the Military/Industrial/Consumerist Complex
Climate Change and the Military/Industrial/Consumerist Complex
I received this invitation from a friend who helps lead the local Sierra Club chapter who didn’t know J. B. was a guest on This Sustainable Life and that I loved his work. I registered and hope to see you there. Scroll to the bottom of this post to see the video essays I did about his book The Once and Future World. I also recommend 100-Mile Diet and The Day the World Stops Shopping. Here’s the invitation:
Can technology really rescue us from environmental destruction? Can the goal of a forever-growing economy really benefit all? Might we (especially in the US) need to change our culture, our lifestyle, and our value system? Come explore the complexities with our outstanding speakers:
Dr. Neta Crawford, Professor and Chair of the Department Political Science, Boston University. In July, she will become the Montague Burton Professor of International Relations at Oxford University, Oxford UK. She will be speaking on the military being the US’ biggest consumer of fossil fuels, and reminding us that the cost of that comes from all of us through our taxes. She is author of The Pentagon, Climate Change and War, forthcoming from MIT Press.

J.B. MacKinnon, award-winning journalist and author of The Day the World Stops Shopping: How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment and Ourselves, speaking about American consumerism and its contribution to environmental degradation.
Dr. Daniel Wildcat, author of Red Alert: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge and founder of theHaskell Environmental Research Studies Center, speaking of indigenous peoples’ contrasting philosophy of life that views human beings as part of nature, not superior to it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 7 PM EST on ZOOM
Register in advance for this webinar:

Sponsored by the Sierra Club, Atlantic Chapter Equity/Consumption/Environment Committee
Back to me, here are the video essays I promised:
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