Legumes that don’t need cooking
You know several legumes that don’t need cooking, like string beans, garden peas, snap peas, peanuts, and snow peas. The bulk section of my coop also sells chickpea flour, which I believe is just ground uncooked chickpeas. At least I’ve put raw chick peas in a blender and gotten chickpea flour out of it, though not as fine as the store sells, and blending them is loud.
I tried blending other beans that way—I think navy beans—and it wrecked my gastrointestinal track for a day or two. I don’t recommend trying it. I think some beans uncooked are poisonous.
Yet some don’t need cooking. I searched “legumes that don’t need cooking” and found nothing that shared what legumes don’t need cooking. The links I found only said what legumes they thought didn’t need soaking, then their cooking times were tens of minutes, even for pressure cooking, which I find takes four to eight minutes, tops.
Not using grid power leads to learning what doesn’t require cooking. I experiment and discover. For example, when I started sprouting legumes, I found myself eating many legumes that didn’t sprout and didn’t have a problem. I used to not like red lentils since cooking them made them disappear.

Then sometimes I’d find myself hungry but without enough energy to cook legumes. Since I knew some legumes didn’t need cooking, I experimented to find which I could eat just soaked. They include
- Lentils: all, though red lentils work best
- Chickpeas: I can blend them after soaking too
- Mung beans: also my favorite to sprout (Note: I checked with podcast guest and nutrition expert Joel Fuhrman, and sprouting turns beans to greens; still super healthy, but no longer beans)
- Soy beans: (maybe, I think they give me mild indigestion though I haven’t narrowed them as the cause)
- Split peas: green or yellow
I may be skirting danger since some legumes require cooking and many contain anti-nutrients. Still, I’ve eaten these legumes soaked by uncooked for two years or so with no problems and saving a lot of time and money. I’m also one of the healthiest people I’ve met.
Last I checked, dried legumes are my largest food expense. I rely on them. They’re still dirt cheap—that is, you can pay more per pound for potting soil than for dried beans. After soaking, beans are that much less per pound. I keep a few small bowls soaking a few of these legumes all the time to put on salads or treat like cereal, along with grains, many of which don’t need cooking either. I can’t believe I once ate Rice Crispies or other doof disguised as food, except as a kid.

There’s nothing like food that’s cheap, healthy, convenient, fast, and delicious.
I wonder what I’ll discover next from avoiding hurting people by living more joyfully sustainably, avoiding grid power.
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