A long boring video I’m proud of

September 29, 2016 by Joshua
in Fitness

I met a woman who was coxswain for the Princeton rowing team. When I told her I rowed 5,016 meters in 20 minutes, she said it was a remarkable achievement and said if I showed her a video of my rowing she’d critique my form.

So I recorded myself rowing for half an hour. It’s hardly exciting and my time isn’t world class, but I’m happy to show myself off, as well as my cherry tomato plant in the background.

If you row and can critique my form, I’d love to hear it. I found out why I move my head back at the front of my stroke: my eyes couldn’t see the screen that close so my body was subconsciously keeping my eyes farther back. I look dorky but I can’t help aging.


In contrast to my vanity for posting me working out, for modesty I learned to blur a rectangle.

I’d say my results aren’t bad for a 45-year-old lightweight who didn’t row when he was younger:

  • 30 minutes
  • 7304 meters
  • 2:03 min / 500 meters average
  • 471 calories (942 calories / hour average)
  • 964 calories / hour for last 6 minutes
  • 24 strokes / minute

Here’s the screen readout for the workout:

Rowing readout


The end of the video shows the screen readout in calories per hour.

EDIT: I think I’ve improved my form. Here’s a recent video, though I think I’ve improved it since then too. I’ll post a newer video eventually.

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