The longer I go without flying, the more people talking about flying sounds like they’re talking about heroin.
In my third year of avoiding flying, not one person I’ve shared the idea with has communicated to me that they’d consider even delaying one flight. I’ve met a few other people not flying too.
Everyone knows that flying pollutes. People also want to sleep at night, which polluting makes difficult. I’ve heard everyone explain to me why their flying doesn’t pollute, most often that the plane was going to fly anyway, as if airlines fly empty planes all the time but will put people in them if they buy tickets.
People talk about flying as bringing something better than regular life. They’ll even allow their regular life to degrade to fly sooner or more often. They live for the rush of flying and see it as necessary. They need their fix.
In other words, the longer I go without flying, the more people talking about flying sounds like they’re talking about heroin.
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