Music to make a day enjoyable

October 29, 2014 by Joshua
in Art, Audio, Freedom

A few years ago some TV producers almost picked me to be on their reality show. In the process they asked me what music I wanted them to play to represent me when I walked on camera. I came up with the songs below.

With all I write about creating emotions, how have I not written about music, one of the greatest ways to create emotion? I guess because I don’t play instruments or sing (except rarely, and then I love it), so it doesn’t feel like something I actively create. I feel funny posting them because it doesn’t feel like I’m actively sharing something you can’t get elsewhere, which is why I took years to write such a simple post.

These three songs forever make me feel comfortable and relaxed. They make me feel like enjoying what I’m doing. They are:

  • Jessica, by the Allman Brothers
  • Waiting on a Friend, by the Rolling Stones
  • Whoever You Are, by Geggy Tah

I wouldn’t call them my favorite songs of all time, but they capture and express something I like—a calm, unhurried appreciation of life in the moment, finding and creating joy where you are, sharing with people around you, freedom, … stuff like that.

Everyone has their songs about something. These are my songs on those things. I bet if you listen to them you’ll feel good.



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