My first Huffington Post piece

February 16, 2017 by Joshua
in Leadership

Huffington Post signed me as a contributor and I jumped in head first with a piece, “If You Don’t Want To Make It Eight Years For Trump…,” on politics, influence, our president, and what to do about it. I’m not a fan of how people who don’t like Trump are responding to him.

I’d advise them, “Don’t be Walter,” but I’m not sure everyone would get the point of a video from The Big Lebowski.

This piece follows my Inc. pieces on connecting with Trump supporters. It begins

If You Don’t Want To Make It Eight Years For Trump…

People can vote for whatever reason they want. You telling them you’re right and they’re wrong won’t motivate them.

Living in lower Manhattan, teaching at New York University and Columbia University, I’m in a Hillary Clinton stronghold. Most people around me despise Donald Trump viscerally and express it. I haven’t heard anyone here express support for him. I’ve heard thousands chant “Not my president” and say “He’s not qualified.”

Like it or not, Clinton supporters acting this way created votes for Trump and kept Clinton supporters home. Whether they were right, wrong, good, or bad, I can’t say. But our Constitution allows people to vote for any reason they want. If you supported Clinton and felt you were right and the other side was wrong, your behavior probably motivated people on the fence to vote for Trump.

I hear Clinton supporters continuing this self-righteous behavior post-inauguration. Maybe they are right. Say they are. What’s the effect of their behavior? It got Trump votes and it lost Clinton votes.

If you supported her, again, you may feel right. Maybe you are. Maybe it builds community. The question I put to you is: Do you want to help make it eight years?

Read the rest at If You Don’t Want To Make It Eight Years For Trump….

Joshua Spodek If You Don’t Want To Make It Eight Years For Trump...

My first Huffington Post piece, an editorial on leadership and opposing Trump

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