Search Results for: don't look for blame

132: Lorna Davis, part 1: C-suites and B-corps (transcript)

on February 7, 2019 in Podcast

This is a long episode but if you care about business, business school students wish they had access to global corporate leaders at the frontier of change like this episode. Lorna and I are in person, we are talking about multinationals she’s led across the globe. We also talk about vegetables and we talk about major leaders reduced to tears reckoning what they could do but have put off for[…] Keep reading →

127: Douglas Rushkoff, part 1: Team Human (transcript)

on January 30, 2019 in Podcast

You’ve heard the idea that with social media, Google and most free services online you’re the product. The idea was probably thought provoking when you heard it. For most people it’s an ending point. But what if you considered it a starting point for your thoughts. Where does it lead? What does it tell you about yourself, society, the internet, markets, humanity? Because the Internet began as a medium to[…] Keep reading →

124: Guilt Free (transcript)

on January 23, 2019 in Podcast

Junior year in college I met a guy who ended up being one of my most longstanding friends. He still is. The year was 1991. I had just returned from a year in Paris taking a year off from school. He’d returned from serving as a marine in the first Gulf War. At Columbia, time off meant losing your guaranteed housing. So we lived relatively far from campus. But it[…] Keep reading →

107: Beth Comstock, part 1: Inside the Fortune 5 C-Suite (transcript)

on December 18, 2018 in Podcast

Beth Comstock is exactly the guest that this podcast is designed for. She is a leader who took on challenges of the largest scale and rose to the role of global leadership taking on challenges that others didn’t want to, yet huge demand for the results existed. Sound familiar with the environment? She started from very humble beginnings which she shares in the book to become CMO of GE to[…] Keep reading →

105: Evelina Utterdahl, part 2: A Month With No Plastic! (transcript)

on November 29, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to my second conversation with Evelina. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who’ve started from doing less and took on smaller projects so it would seem a lot easier for them. A lot of people talk about change. Evelina did and she did a lot and she enjoyed it more. Recall, she’s a travel writer who chose not to fly and now she’s taking time without using plastic.[…] Keep reading →

104: Jared Angaza, part 2: Motherhood and Apple Pie (transcript)

on November 29, 2018 in Podcast

My second conversation with Jared Angaza was recorded almost a year ago, just after launching the podcast. It’s more conversational, less directed than I’ve done more recently. I think I’ve come a long way on focusing more but I’d love to hear listeners’  ÑŽreactions. It’s also my old microphone. So the quality isn’t quite as good. Jared has acted a lot more than most to live by his environmental values.[…] Keep reading →

Americans hate vegetables

on November 26, 2018 in Fitness, Nature

People say New York City has great food, some of the best in the world. On this trip I’ve visited Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Houston. People keep taking me to places they describe as great. No place I’ve sampled in the past month features delicious vegetables unassaulted by copious amounts of salt, sugar, or fat. Brussels sprouts are sweet enough to eat raw, but restaurants exclusively roast them[…] Keep reading →

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