Search Results for: project based learning
Every step I take toward sustainability leads me to learn how much humans have figured out how to live sustainably. I’m far from living sustainably, though I’ve come a long way. We are wiping out the cultures living sustainably these cultures, now hanging on by threads. Besides practices and viewpoints, I’m learning humility. We don’t have all the answers. Far from it. They may not either, but at least they[…] Keep reading →
People often ask for advice on how to lead in a given situation, what leadership means, or one tip they can improve their leadership with. Nearly none of the questions help someone improve their leadership. The most useful question I can think of is: How do I learn to lead? In other words, what steps can I take to learn to lead? No leader would answer: read a lot of[…] Keep reading →
People often ask for advice on how to lead in a given situation, what leadership means, or one tip they can improve their leadership with. Nearly none of the questions help someone improve their leadership. The most useful question I can think of is: How do I learn to lead? In other words, what steps can I take to learn to lead? No leader would answer: read a lot of[…] Keep reading →
Sometimes you discover a way of doing things so obviously more effective than how you were taught that you can’t believe how twisted our society has become. The new way shows how much the systems we’ve created twist us to fit their goals, however much those goals smother and corrupt our basic humanity that served us for hundreds of thousands of years, living in harmony with our world, and still[…] Keep reading →
Daniel Bauer of the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast interviewed me and posted it today. As Daniel helps develop school leaders, mainly K-12, he approached Leadership Step by Step and my work from a more learning and educational perspective than most of the business and personal development approaches of other interviews. It’s a natural perspective since I’m teaching, so I’m glad he did. The interview touched on a lot of[…] Keep reading →
I loved university. Studying physics, universities are about the only places to learn it. I value university for many things. They do a lot of valuable things better than any other institution or alternatives—the hard sciences, for example. It’s not right for everyone and it does some things terribly. Places other than universities do some non-academic activities so much better than school. Experiential learning—how I teach leadership, entrepreneurship, sales, and[…] Keep reading →
My closing paragraphs on yesterday’s post, anticipating people’s reaction, got me thinking about Marshall Goldsmith, one of today’s top business thinkers (and a friend). I wrote the following: By now, many of you are probably thinking “we’ve solved all the problems so far, we’ll solve the ones to come” “since before Malthus scientists project doomsday and they never happen, we can ignore this” or “this won’t affect me” If so,[…] Keep reading →
A lot of people say, “Josh, easy for you to act on the environment. You don’t have kids.†First, I could point to a former guest to this podcast Bea Johnson who with her husband and two sons produced less than a mason jar of trash per year whom I see as role models and I aspire to follow. I could point out former guest Jim Harshaw who immediately on[…] Keep reading →
Sorry, today is a half-finished post. I’m not sure if anyone will read it all, but my main pursuit in it is the persistent myth people knee-jerk fall back on that if we don’t pursue technological progress and market growth then we risk reverting to the Stone Age. After reading Atlas Shrugged and trying to learn what her fans like about her philosophy so much, I found an essay she[…] Keep reading →