Search Results for: farm

066: Dorie Clark, part 2: “And that is how you make progress” (transcript)

on July 23, 2018 in Podcast

Dorie is a master of habits, how to create them, start them, teach others to do them. She shares how it’s done methodically and effectively. So this conversation is more about personal leadership than environmental stuff but environmental action needs more personal leadership, needs more leadership. That’s what I’m doing this podcast for. Dorie would not be satisfied with doing something partway. Over six months before this conversation when she[…] Keep reading →

065: Jeff Brown, part 4: Inspiring others through action (transcript)

on July 20, 2018 in Podcast

As someone who does not enjoy dealing with my co-op board, Jeff talking about his homeowner’s association, the HOA and laughing about it nearly blew my mind. And he’s connecting with companies, dozens of people, he’s making a difference. This fourth conversation is more than I expected when I started this podcast. I expected to be happy with a few people coming back for second conversations at all. But he’s[…] Keep reading →

062: Business and systemic change: Michael Lenox, part 2 (transcript)

on July 12, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome back for the second conversation with Michael Lenox. We start by talking about how his book is catching on. My favorite part of it is that it’s about a systems approach. Now I’m going to say as an aside that he puts more faith into destructive innovation than I would. I consider it important even essential to keep developing technologies to make them more essential. But check my blog[…] Keep reading →

061: Tensie Whelan, part 1: The Rainforest Alliance, United Nations, and NYU-Stern (transcript)

on July 11, 2018 in Podcast

Tensie Whalen worked among many places with the Rainforest Alliance. Beyond influencing individuals, she led organizations and influenced and influences industries on global scales. She oversaw major changes at places like Kraft, J.P. Morgan all around the world not just in the United States. I met her when she helped bring the secretary general of the United States to NYU so she works with some major people. You get to[…] Keep reading →

060: Consistent change creates big improvements; Robbie Samuels, Part 2 (transcript)

on July 10, 2018 in Podcast

Robbie started acting on his compost project and right off the bat it turns out people are already doing what he was thinking about. He’s not alone. He’s part of an active community. He always was. He didn’t know it but acting got people to come out of the woodwork and he started finding out what was going on around him. He talks about how his wife and his family[…] Keep reading →

059: The domino effect of creating change; Balint Horvath, part 2 (transcript)

on July 6, 2018 in Podcast

A three–month transition from something he did daily to something he targets doing once a month feels pretty big to me and he shares thoughtfully and in-depth how his transition went. So if you’re thinking about doing one or you’re doing one, I recommend listening to how it goes for him because I think it’ll help you feel not alone, that you’ll feel like part of a team. You’ll also[…] Keep reading →

058: Sailing, fishing, conserving, and the snap of halyards: David Allen, part 2 (transcript)

on July 5, 2018 in Podcast

This second conversation with David Allen you’ll hear it starts almost midsentence. The reason is that he and I were talking about sailing partly because there was an event in Europe that he mentioned and that led me as someone who is avoiding flying to think of how to get across the Atlantic. And I’ve been thinking about sailing for a while and I really wanted to talk to him[…] Keep reading →

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