Search Results for: farm

Independence from garbage, even on my body

on July 4, 2018 in Fitness, Freedom, Visualization

July 4th, Independence Day is about freedom. Usually political freedom. I’m posting today on personal freedom. Last month I posted a video on how more than a year’s worth of garbage fit in a canvas bag. I made two videos that day—one with my shirt off to show the result to my body of avoiding garbage. I held off on posting the shirtless one to stay more conservative given my[…] Keep reading →

055: Our first Leadership and the Environment Panel of Experts (transcript)

on June 26, 2018 in Podcast

On April 3 the Leadership and the Environment podcast held its first expert panel featuring Patagonia’s director Vincent Stanley, TED speaker and NYU professor Robin Nagle and TEDx Speaker and founder of LEAD Palestine RJ Khalaf and myself as moderator. You’ll hear deeper bios in the recording. This panel was like an interactive three-way TED talk. You hear their perspectives and vibrant stories, then interacting plus taking questions from the[…] Keep reading →

053: Leadership without judgement; David Burkus, Part 2 (transcript)

on June 19, 2018 in Podcast

For David Burkus this is a second conversation. We spent a lot more time talking about leadership more than environment. Of course, we talked about environment too but his book Friend of a Friend just came out and so we talked a lot about networks, how networks work, what networks are, problems that happen if you’re not aware of these things, how you can avoid them or get out of[…] Keep reading →

052: Emptying my garbage for the first time in over a year (transcript)

on June 16, 2018 in Podcast

Hello. Today’s June 4, 2018. On June 4, 2017 one year ago was the last day that I emptied my garbage. This is going to be the day that I take my garbage down the hall and empty it. Now, this is one year’s worth of garbage to a lot of people. They describe this just like they say that this is like very little garbage. To me, it’s a[…] Keep reading →

052: Emptying my garbage for the first time in over a year

on June 16, 2018 in Podcast

I recorded this video showing a year’s worth of garbage. My point is to show you it’s possible. Many people have asked me how. My answers never seem to satisfy them. If you care enough to try, I recommend you try. You’re not going to die. Humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years without food packaging and our modern world makes it as easy as ever to live[…] Keep reading →

American Cuisine Has 2 Rules and I Found Them

on June 16, 2018 in Models, Perception

American cuisine has two simple rules governing it, I found. You often have to step outside a system to see it with fresh eyes. First, I’ll describe that process. Stepping outside the system We’ve seen pictures of plastic choking once-pristine beaches and wilderness. One day three years ago I looked down at my kitchen’s garbage and saw that most of my garbage came from food packaging. I decided to try[…] Keep reading →

052: Emptying my garbage for the first time in over a year

on June 16, 2018 in Podcast

I recorded this video showing a year’s worth of garbage. My point is to show you it’s possible. Many people have asked me how. My answers never seem to satisfy them. If you care enough to try, I recommend you try. You’re not going to die. Humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years without food packaging and our modern world makes it as easy as ever to live[…] Keep reading →

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