Search Results for: farm

071: Jordan Harbinger, part 1: The value of coaching (transcript)

on August 7, 2018 in Podcast

Jordan Harbinger is one of the world masters of practicing and teaching social and emotional skills. We start by talking about the stew that I just made him, how I’ve been doing open mic stand up. We are actually in my kitchen. I’ve known Jordan for about ten years, maybe a little more. And when I first met him he was already doing extremely well, he had started his podcast[…] Keep reading →

Environmental leadership resources

on August 3, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

Here are resources I learn from and return to about joy, discovery, meaning, purpose, community (not doom, gloom, new-age fluff, etc), in no particular order. I’ll keep adding to it. I recommend bingeing on all of it. Leadership and Teamwork The This Sustainable Life podcast When people hear my podcast name, they focus on the environment part. I consider leadership incomparably more important. We know what to do. The question[…] Keep reading →

070: Seth Godin: a teaser (transcript)

on August 2, 2018 in Podcast

Seth: Hey it’s Seth, Seth Godin and I just want to let you know I recorded an interview with Josh and I’ll be with you in November. Look forward to talking to you then. *** Joshua: Hey, everyone. Joshua Spodek here. That was Seth Godin and this short recording is a teaser from my full interview with him. He talks about his new book in it. So the full version[…] Keep reading →

070: Seth Godin: coming soon

on August 2, 2018 in Podcast

This short recording is a teaser for my full interview with Seth Godin, who needs no introduction. It begins and ends with messages from Seth, sandwiching my top-level impressions from meeting with him at his home and talking at length. He talks about his new book, This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See, in our conversation so the full recording will come out when the[…] Keep reading →

070: Seth Godin: a teaser

on August 2, 2018 in Podcast

This short recording is a teaser for my full interview with Seth Godin, who needs no introduction. It begins and ends with messages from Seth, sandwiching my top-level impressions from meeting with him at his home and talking at length. He talks about his new book, This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See, in our conversation so the full recording will come out when the[…] Keep reading →

069: Why you will follow me to fly less (transcript)

on August 1, 2018 in Podcast

People ask me why I avoid flying. It started for environmental reasons but that’s not why I don’t fly today. I don’t fly today because it makes my life better and I’m going to tell you why you are going to follow me to fly less yourself, maybe stopping entirely for a long time. I’m going to tell you the trend and see if you pick up on the trend[…] Keep reading →

068: Tensie Whelan, part 2: “You’ve got to do what you believe in”

on July 27, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to the second conversation with Tensie Whelan. We talked about wine, we talked about creating and changing habits and we talked about eating bugs which happens when you talk to someone who worked with Rainforest Alliance and worked all around the world with different cultures. More specific to Leadership and the Environment, we also talk about dealing with people when you change, how to influence them and perspectives that[…] Keep reading →

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