Search Results for: farm

081: Jonathan Haidt: The Coddling of the American Mind

on September 4, 2018 in Podcast

I met Jonathan at the World Science Festival and recorded a podcast interview of him that changed my approach to leadership—in principle and in practice. I seek more opposing views. I listen more. I look to learn their intent and the beliefs and values motivating that intent. I challenge myself more. As he colorfully said to me: We are going through an extraordinary time in which social media and other recent changes are[…] Keep reading →

Would you rather?, part 4

on September 1, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making

Following up my first post on this topic, and while the options below don’t have to be exclusive, people usually choose as if they are. Do you prefer . . . Eating a lot Or feeling satisfied? Spending time in planes Or going on an adventure? Briefly visiting many Or spending time with some? Fitness Or explaining why you aren’t? Sampling food made for tourists Or learning to prepare what[…] Keep reading →

080: Nataly Kogan, Part 1, Influencing others to live happier (transcript)

on August 31, 2018 in Podcast

When people recommend guests for my podcast they tend to recommend people who are environmental, people doing environmental things, people doing recycling, stuff like that. I’m happy to get people like that but my goal number one is leaders. I want to bring leaders because people who influence others influence others and we can learn from them. That’s what Nataly Kogan is. She’s someone who influences herself and influences others.[…] Keep reading →

078: When Did Polluting Become Normal? (transcript)

on August 23, 2018 in Podcast

Chris Rock has a routine I find hilarious on people trying to get credit for things that he thinks they ought to do. I’ll put a link to it. It’s not safe for work because there’s a lot of cursing but I think you’ll find it funny. One of the examples he gives is people saying, “At least I’m not stealing.” He says, “You’re not supposed to steal. You don’t[…] Keep reading →

077: Scott Mautz, part 2: Overcoming adversity while finding the fire (transcript)

on August 21, 2018 in Podcast

Scott starts right off full of the fire that his book Find the Fire teaches people to find. And I don’t know about you but I’ve heard enough from people who don’t live the advice that they give. And so it’s refreshing and rewarding to hear from someone who does. First challenge, you’re going to hear how he makes it a team effort, how he starts with people. He approaches[…] Keep reading →

Obesity, internal conflict, and choice

on August 18, 2018 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

Measuring grocery store floor space implies the diet of people living near it, as I wrote in Fat, Manhattan real estate, profit, and where obesity comes from. Since every American food store I’ve seen sells more salt, sugar, and fat-based foods than whole plants, the floor space implies people eat a lot of salt, sugar, and fat. Specifically, they choose to spend their hard-earned money on salty, sugary, and fatty[…] Keep reading →

073: Jared Angaza, part 1: Sustainable resources on a global scale (transcript)

on August 14, 2018 in Podcast

Jared and I just jump right into the conversation and about population which I consider fundamental to the environment and frequently misunderstood connected I believe erroneously with eugenics and things like that. I know it’s a divisive topic and I credit Jared with enabling me and for him comfortably talking about it. So credit to Jared on that one. Also, it’s something that people disagree on. If you disagree, I’d[…] Keep reading →

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