Search Results for: farm

Answers to common questions on polluting less

on October 17, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits, Nature

A new reader and listener asked some questions I get a lot about polluting less and how to start. I’m sharing the answers so people can find them faster. I’ll preview the questions, then share his whole email for context, with my answers. Feel free to scroll down if you just want the answers. Just the questions: Packaging: What parameters did you start with? Do you buy everything at a[…] Keep reading →

My tricks

on September 27, 2018 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

When I talk about my daily habits, people call me disciplined and act as if I have ability they don’t. Nobody looks at a bodybuilder and believes he or she was born that way. Nobody hears a musician playing and thinks he or she was born playing. They developed their skills by practicing. I practice too. Sometimes the practice involves hard things and things you don’t feel like doing but[…] Keep reading →

089: Evelina Utterdahl, part 1: Traveling the world without flying (transcript)

on September 24, 2018 in Podcast

If you’ve heard me talk about not flying in this podcast a lot and you think it’s impossible, allow this conversation to blow your mind. Evelina Utterdahl is a world traveler and writer who has chosen to stop flying. You’ll hear why. There are more of us all the time. You’ll get to hear us indulging and talking to someone who understands us. Nearly everyone I talked to says flying[…] Keep reading →

085: Daniel Bauer, part 2, Going car-free is liberating (transcript)

on September 11, 2018 in Podcast

Danny got rid of a car and he chose to do that while he was in Texas. Yes, he moved to Europe to Antwerp which is a bike friendly city but you know it’s a big deal. It was a car that he loved and it was while starting a marriage. That’s not exactly the time people start experimenting with new things in life and yet he described it as[…] Keep reading →

083: Alisa Cohn, part2: Gurus are people too (transcript)

on September 8, 2018 in Podcast

In this podcast I don’t share easy success stories. Even among accomplished leadership gurus, behind the edited books and media profiles, they’re human. Personally, I think we can learn more from them behind the glossy profiles than just from the glossy profiles, however produced and edited. We had fun after meeting at the Union Square Farmers Market which we met in the rain which turned into bright sun. It was[…] Keep reading →

082: Ben Feder, Part 1, Take off your shoes (transcript)

on September 7, 2018 in Podcast

Ben Feder wrote a book Take Off Your Shoes on changing his life, traveling with his family to Bali for a year. Right off the bat, I want to share that I loved reading the book. I enjoyed the writing style and the content. Before and after he left to Bali he ran companies at a very high level so he ran operations, he engineered a big part of takeovers[…] Keep reading →

081: Jonathan Haidt: The Coddling of the American Mind (transcript)

on September 4, 2018 in Podcast

Jonathan Haidt’s new book, The Coddling of the American Mind, comes out today which is why I’m releasing this episode today. We talked a lot about his last book also, The Righteous Mind, which may have influenced me in the area of leadership in the environment more than the work of any other guests I’ve had so far. Jonathan Haidt works on people’s motivations especially when there’s a moral tinge.[…] Keep reading →

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