Search Results for: farm

101: Seth Godin: Work that matters for people who care

on November 15, 2018 in Podcast

I’m posting this conversation today because Seth just launched his book, This is Marketing, already a #1 bestseller. As he points out, his marketing is close to what I call leadership: how to influence people, to discover your passion, and such. Helping people change is what this podcast is about. We recorded this conversation months ago, so you get to hear previews of his book. We talked a lot about[…] Keep reading →

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based

on November 3, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based There are a lot of non-meat meats on the market, but not as much non-fish fish, which Ocean Hugger Foods is looking to change. I tasted their “tuna” in a sashimi roll and had CEO David Benzaquen not told me it contained only tomato, I would have guessed I was eating fish. I act more on the environment than most and believe[…] Keep reading →

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket

on November 2, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket October 31, 2018 I act more on the environment than most and believe the evidence shows that innovation and technology are at most a small part of any solution. Food and our eating habits have to be a major part, which I’ve written about: Since many “green” ventures seem more interested in wrapping themselves in a trend than actually reducing consumption,[…] Keep reading →

“White male privilege” and the Civil War

on October 29, 2018 in Freedom, Models, Nonjudgment

Frances Hesselbein is a hero and mentor to me. Her TED talk’s bio is too brief to covers all her achievements, but gets the top ones: One of the most highly respected experts in the field of contemporary leadership development, Frances Hesselbein is the President and CEO of The Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute, founded as The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and renamed in 2012 to honor Hesselbein’s[…] Keep reading →

098: Would You Free Your Slaves? (transcript)

on October 24, 2018 in Podcast

I’m going to get to the heart of this conversation in a second but first I have to do this preface. The point of this conversation is about your values and how you live by them. Everyone I talk to they get it after a couple of objections and they find it thought-provoking, very thought-provoking. But they first have to get past that I’m asking you to compare your behavior[…] Keep reading →

097: Sir Tim Smit: Changing the World with No Special Skills (transcript)

on October 23, 2018 in Podcast

I met Tim at least a year ago and I loved what he did and how much he loved what he did which was to turn a trashed wasteland into beautiful living space, also, a tourist destination throughout Europe, also a thriving business and now spreading around the world to become the same things in other places where industries have trashed the landscape. As a leadership and entrepreneurship teacher, it’s[…] Keep reading →

096: Chris Bailey: Hyperfocus, The New Science of Attention (transcript)

on October 19, 2018 in Podcast

Chris does things. He does incredible things and I urge you to check out his web page and read some of the things that he does. I allude to it in the conversation but check it out for yourself. But he’s still humble and simple despite doing these incredible things. So if the part of the reason you’re here is you like my burpees or my avoiding food packaging or[…] Keep reading →

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