Search Results for: farm

110: Geoffrey West, part 3: Using science to create a vision for the future (transcript)

on December 26, 2018 in Podcast

I think of Jeffrey’s research as particularly valuable since it comes from different directions and draws from many different sources than most environmental approaches do. He takes a different approach to technology and innovation. He’s not so big on technology. I mean he’s big on it but he recognizes its limitations and its potential for harm. Rarely do I hear of scientists saying that their research points to leadership. In[…] Keep reading →

Americans are more disciplined than I am. By a lot.

on December 7, 2018 in Habits

Walking back from a farmers market with some fresh Brussels sprouts, I can’t believe how indulgent my life is. I meant just to drop off my compost, but they looked so delicious, I couldn’t resist. People call me disciplined, but amid my indulgence, relative to Americans, I’m not. When it comes to voluntary choices to live by one’s passions. Americans across the board sacrifice more and devote more resources to[…] Keep reading →

30 highlights and lowlights from a triumphant month on the road

on December 1, 2018 in Stories

I’m on the train from Atlanta home to New York. I left October 29 and visited Chicago, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Diego, and New Orleans too. The impetus came from attending the Summit in L.A. I found reasons to visit places along the way. Here are 30 highlights an lowlights from the trip. 1. I traveled intercity only by train and bus since I’m not flying. 2. At the Summit[…] Keep reading →

105: Evelina Utterdahl, part 2: A Month With No Plastic! (transcript)

on November 29, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to my second conversation with Evelina. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who’ve started from doing less and took on smaller projects so it would seem a lot easier for them. A lot of people talk about change. Evelina did and she did a lot and she enjoyed it more. Recall, she’s a travel writer who chose not to fly and now she’s taking time without using plastic.[…] Keep reading →

104: Jared Angaza, part 2: Motherhood and Apple Pie (transcript)

on November 29, 2018 in Podcast

My second conversation with Jared Angaza was recorded almost a year ago, just after launching the podcast. It’s more conversational, less directed than I’ve done more recently. I think I’ve come a long way on focusing more but I’d love to hear listeners’  ÑŽreactions. It’s also my old microphone. So the quality isn’t quite as good. Jared has acted a lot more than most to live by his environmental values.[…] Keep reading →

Americans hate vegetables

on November 26, 2018 in Fitness, Nature

People say New York City has great food, some of the best in the world. On this trip I’ve visited Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Houston. People keep taking me to places they describe as great. No place I’ve sampled in the past month features delicious vegetables unassaulted by copious amounts of salt, sugar, or fat. Brussels sprouts are sweet enough to eat raw, but restaurants exclusively roast them[…] Keep reading →

101: Seth Godin: Work that matters for people who care (transcript)

on November 15, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to the Leadership and the Environment conversation with Seth Godin. First, I’m posting this conversation today because Seth just launched his book This is Marketing. We recorded this conversation months ago. So you get to hear previews of his book. We talked a lot about marketing, leadership and environment which are all very closely related. I got to see a new side of Seth’s interview partly because I was[…] Keep reading →

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