Search Results for: farm

119: Heroin and the Environment (transcript)

on January 16, 2019 in Podcast

I have a friend whose business is to find people on heroin and other opiates and bring them into treatment. He goes to hotels where they live or whatever they do. And it’s based on government money because apparently his interventions work. He tells me that when he goes to visit these hotels where they live it’s squalor, filth. There’s blood and urine and feces. These rooms are really dark[…] Keep reading →

116: Michael O’Heaney, part 2: Less plastic, less stuff, more fun, more family (transcript)

on January 9, 2019 in Podcast

First, if you have not watched the Story of Stuff or any of the Story of Stuff videos as much as I love my podcast, watch those videos from the organization that Michael O’Heaney leads. They’re phenomenal videos in my opinion and the links are right where you got this podcast. Next one what Michael O’Heaney does it’s ordinary, it’s simple – riding a bike. It’s something he could have[…] Keep reading →

113: Ann-Marie Heidingsfelder: A conservative voice (transcript)

on January 5, 2019 in Podcast

I love how I met Ann-Marie and we have become great long-distance friends. You’ll hear the story in the beginning of the podcast. I specifically sought her out as someone with different political views. Actually, one very good friend of mine as an aside is what anyone would call a climate sceptic. Yet he knows climate issues better than nearly anyone that I know and I’ve learned a lot from[…] Keep reading →

My famous no-packaging vegetable stew formula, take 2

on January 3, 2019 in Habits, Nature

Following take 1, where I answered my friend’s mom question, “Hi Josh, My son says you make an awesome vegetable stew with seasonal produce. Is there a formula for it?”, she wrote back: I did it!!  I got an instant pot and I made a simple stew with: Lentils, acorn squash, kale, spinach, garlic and some Braggs seasoning.  I added some nutritional yeast later and topped it off with chopped[…] Keep reading →

112: Bethany McLean, part 1: the Business and People of Fracking (transcript)

on January 1, 2019 in Podcast

Bethany made her name as the first journalist to predict Enron was overpriced which meant going deep into the people and the numbers and understanding them and then facing overwhelming criticism. Well, turns out she was right but it must have been very tough. Now she’s looking at fracking. She looks at the people and the numbers and she makes sense of them here. And she wrote a short colorful[…] Keep reading →

My famous no-packaging vegetable stew formula, take 1

on December 28, 2018 in Blog

After making my famous no-packaging vegetable stews for friends who hosted me across the country, one friend’s mom emailed me: “Hi Josh, My son says you make an awesome vegetable stew with seasonal produce. Is there a formula for it?” One of my main goals is to make cooking delicious, economical, healthy food available to everyone, so I’m happy to share. I wrote the following: (EDIT: she acted on the[…] Keep reading →

111: Marion Nestle: Changing the food system (transcript)

on December 27, 2018 in Podcast

Marion Nestle is a longtime hero for me. Food is one of the major pieces that got me into my environmental work. Reading Diet for a Small Planet in the 80s is what got me from this fear that we’re in danger of not getting enough protein and dying, that enabled me to stop eating meat. Years later I was avoiding fiber remove foods. Years later I was avoiding packaged[…] Keep reading →

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