Search Results for: population

251: Let’s make overpopulation only a finance issue

on November 22, 2019 in Podcast

Here are my notes that I read from for this episode. New comment from reading Countdown by Alan Weisman Overpopulation is major issue. Challenges are culture, religion, lack of education, lack of birth control He presented research results of demand for birth control by women — about 250 million. Figure about a guy for each: 500 million I figure low because many don’t know it exists or are swayed by[…] Keep reading →

251: Let’s make overpopulation only a finance issue

on November 22, 2019 in Podcast

Here are my notes that I read from for this episode. New comment from reading Countdown by Alan Weisman Overpopulation is major issue. Challenges are culture, religion, lack of education, lack of birth control He presented research results of demand for birth control by women — about 250 million. Figure about a guy for each: 500 million I figure low because many don’t know it exists or are swayed by[…] Keep reading →

250: Why talk about birthrate and population so much?

on November 21, 2019 in Podcast

Readers and listeners have commented on my writing and posting lately about population and birth rates. Why do I talk about them? Isn’t America below replacement level? I recently finished reading Countdown by Alan Weisman, which I recommend. I read passages and commented on them in episode 248: Countdown, a book I recommend by Alan Weisman. It looked at population around the world, illustrating and describing research finding that we’ve[…] Keep reading →

250: Why talk about birthrate and population so much?

on November 21, 2019 in Podcast

Readers and listeners have commented on my writing and posting lately about population and birth rates. Why do I talk about them? Isn’t America below replacement level? I recently finished reading Countdown by Alan Weisman, which I recommend. I read passages and commented on them in episode 248: Countdown, a book I recommend by Alan Weisman. It looked at population around the world, illustrating and describing research finding that we’ve[…] Keep reading →


on October 17, 2019 in Blog

I will Sprints 4 min. x 4

Op/Ed Fridays: Is overpopulation a problem?

on December 13, 2013 in Blog, Nature

Is overpopulation a problem? You probably have an opinion. A post on a forum asked that. I wrote the following, which I stand by. ——————– Dozens of answers and nobody has had the humility to give the answer that we don’t know, finding out is complex, the uncertainty on what we do know is large, and we have to extrapolate with many assumptions we can’t check to draw any conclusions[…] Keep reading →

A systems perspective on population growth

on September 8, 2013 in Nature

I keep reading about how some technology has or will save billions of lives from starvation or disease. A perfect example comes from the opening paragraph of Wikipedia’s page on the “Green Revolution.” Green Revolution refers to a series of research, development, and technology transfer initiatives, occurring between the 1940s and the late 1970s, that increased agriculture production worldwide, particularly in the developing world, beginning most markedly in the late[…] Keep reading →

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