Pain I like

May 8, 2015 by Joshua
in Fitness, Nature

Spring came late this year to New York City.

Two days ago the weather was beautiful enough I had go running. I ran down to the Hudson and turned north, usually about a five-mile run when I turn around at 45th Street.

The weather was so beautiful I kept going. Figuring out how much farther makes you balance enjoying the outdoors, risking being too tired to get back too far from home, overcoming a challenge, having to give up, stressing a body part you haven’t exercised in a long time, getting a blister, and so on.

The night before I had met a couple friends at a cafe on the river around 70th Street, so I decided to turn around there, making it a seven-and-a-half mile run, give or take a half mile, for my first run since the marathon.

The result?

I’m sore! Sore enough to wake me from my sleep the past two nights. It hurts but it feels great. I probably shouldn’t have run that far, especially not to run fast at the end or to run up the slight hill at the end, but I chose to pay attention to the enjoyment over the soreness and indulged myself.

The cold makes me want to stay in. The spring makes me want to go out and enjoy the outdoors. Moving the body feels good.

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