Prince, Oscars, Olympians, and one of the world’s greatest leaders
Last night I went to a release of my friends’ sunglasses launch event. They’re Coco and Breezy and you can almost see us meeting for the first time here and here. They’re famous and becoming more so all the time. They designed the sunglasses Prince is wearing on his recent album:
and that he wore on Saturday Night Live:
Here I am showing off the sunglasses that aren’t for sale yet, with one of the designers, ahead of the fashion curve.
Yes, I’m bragging. That’s why I’m putting up an extra post today.
If it were just for the sunglasses picture, I’d leave it at that.
On the way from the store to the subway, I ran into a friend who won an Oscar a few years ago. I couldn’t talk because I was in a hurry to meet my NYU colleague who happens to be a four-time Olympian.
Even all those connections didn’t get me over the hump of posting such a self-congratulatory post. This morning I woke to find Frances Hesselbein favorited one of my tweets, pointing to my interview with Chris about my online course, the project I’m more enthusiastic about than any since co-founding Submedia in the 90s.
If you don’t know Frances Hesselbein, one of my greatest leadership role models and mentors, Marshall Goldsmith, describes her as one of the greatest leaders he’s ever met, and he’s met plenty.
I’m pulling up the rear in my world!
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