See Professor Srikumar Rao at the New School December 13, 6:30pm

November 15, 2011 by Joshua
in Creativity, Education, Events, Leadership

Anybody who knows my material knows the debt I own Srikumar Rao for how much of it derives from his work, his class Creativity and Personal Mastery, and his books Are You Ready To Succeed? and Happiness At Work.

I can’t recommend his material enough. Here is your chance to see him in person.

I am privileged to help organize his next talk with the Columbia Business School Alumni Club (all are welcome), which will be at the New School’s Kellen Auditorium, December 13 at 6:30pm. Click here to register and for more information.

From the alumni club web page:

Srikumar Rao: Achieve a quantum improvement in managerial and leadership ability

Dr. Rao became famous for his ground breaking course in personal transformation – Creativity and Personal Mastery. Join us for an exclusive introduction to how you can transform organizations through inspiring leadership.

Dr. Rao’s most recent work instructs his students in how they can transform entire organizations.

Leadership is not a set of techniques. Leadership is about your capacity to inspire each person to become the very best that he or she is capable of being.

Join us for an exclusive introduction to how you too can transform organizations through inspiring leadership. This evening’s presentation introduces approaches to tackling the challenging task head on and gives you powerful tools that you use to reshape your inner landscape. How you view your life and the circumstances in which you find yourself shape both your experience and the outcomes of your actions. Changes at this level produce dramatic results.

Date:   Tuesday, December 13th

Time: 6:30 p.m. Program begins at 7:30 p.m.

Location: The New School’s Kellen Auditorium 66 Fifth Avenue, between 12th and 13th Street

Cost:  $40 CBSAC/NY members, $55 non-members (includes a copy of “Happiness At Work” — a $23 value)
Space permitting, walk-in registrations welcome. At the door, the cost to attend is $73 and includes a copy of the book.

Click here to buy tickets!!!

Click here to join CBSAC/NY

Students of Transformation Leadership report:

  • Quantum improvements in managerial and leadership skills
  • Increased ability to inspire others
  • Capacity to tackle bigger, more ambitious goals
  • Reduced stress
  • Comfort with ambiguity
  • Greater flexibility amid changing circumstances
  • Their life becomes a blast

View Dr. Rao’s TED talk on YouTube
For a sneak peak, please enjoy the following 90 second Dr. Srikumar Rao- Inner Espresso Clips:
Video #1: Actions and Not Outcomes
Video #2: Fallacy of Expecting Thanks and Gratitude
Video #3: Whatever you focus on Expands
Video#4: The Power of Labels
Video #5: Time or Attitude
Video#6: The Power of Shifting your Focus
Video #7: Mental Models
Video #8: Miracles Happen Every Day
Video#9: What are others thinking about you?
Video #10: Your Boss is the FedEx Guy

Thanks to Josh Spodek CBS’06 and the Careers Committee of CBSAC/NY for organizing this event, and thanks to the New School for providing the venue.

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2 responses on “See Professor Srikumar Rao at the New School December 13, 6:30pm

  1. Pingback: Good thing bad thing, who knows? | Joshua Spodek

  2. Pingback: A model to help accept things without judgment or feeling sorry for yourself - Joshua Spodek

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