Ran last half-marathon to train for this year’s marathon yesterday
Yesterday I ran my last half-marathon to train for this year’s marathon. The temperature was in the mid-fifties with a light breeze. Yet another in a long string of perfect days for running. I’ve run a twenty-one mile run this year, an eighteen-and-a-half, and an eighteen-mile run, and a bunch of half-marathons. I’m ready to run the big race. It happens in under three weeks, Sunday, November 2.
The New York City Marathon is the most attended sporting event in the world, with something like one million people watching it live. New York City is in the height of fall when it happens—the leaves changing colors, crisp air, and concord grapes in season. I find it about the most beautiful time of the year here.
What more do you need to come watch me and forty-thousand others run a marathon?
Whether among the ten-deep crowds on First Avenue, the best music in Brooklyn, the outdoor beauty of Central Park, or wherever you want to watch from, you’ll love watching. Bring a thermos of a warm beverage, a scarf, your camera, and you’ll have the best time you’ve had in months.
Longtime readers know I trained for last year’s marathon but hurt my foot about a week before it. Disappointing. I ran training runs of up to twenty-one miles last year, meaning I was ready to run.
Anyway, come to New York City and watch the best sporting event to watch in the world.
Here’s a map from a previous year for reference
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