Rappelling down a three-story wall!

December 17, 2014 by Joshua
in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom

My friend Dave got tickets to a rappelling class over the weekend. It may not have much to do with what I normally write about, but I can’t help sharing some pictures.

Come to think of it, people do courses like these as part of leadership training. Taking that first step off the platform to where only a rope was holding you up, and that rope wasn’t tied around you, it only loosely looped through a metal piece attached to your waist, was scary.

I recommend the activity to anyone. It’s easier than you expect and fun. I did it in Brooklyn with Hollywood Stunts. They were professional and fun, so I recommend them.


The light was low so not many pictures came out. Some pictures are of Dave at the top.


Longtime readers will recognize Dave as the guy I swam across the Hudson River with. Recent viewers will recognize my shoes from my marathon pictures.


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