Read Scott Mautz’s new book, Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration & Make Work Exciting Again

October 16, 2017 by Joshua
in Leadership

Scott Mautz just released his book, Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration & Make Work Exciting Again. I read a pre-release and recommend it.

I like Scott’s work—his books, his posts for Inc., and his speaking—and am honored to have written a blurb for it:

If you want to do more than you can alone, you want to motivate yourself and others, even to inspire. Most people don’t think they can inspire. If you want to understand inspiration so you can do it, Scott Mautz’s book will help. He’s thought about it deeply, clearly from experience, and explains it so you can understand and practice inspiration more. His key insight that we are already inspired points to a simple strategy most people miss: to undo losing it, which is easier and more effective than creating it from scratch.

His writing is playful, with a midwestern charm, just this side of hokey, a refreshing change from many overly serious or heavy books.

If you’ve lost that spark at work or want to help someone who has, you face a problem.  How to self-inspire? Most people don’t think they can. If you want to understand inspiration so you can do it yourself, Scott Mautz’s book will help. He’s thought about it deeply, clearly from experience, and explains it so you can understand it and find more of it.  His key insight is that we were all inspired at one point – we just lost it along the way.  It points to a simple strategy most people miss: figure out what made you lose your inspiration in the first place, and undo it, rather than creating inspiration from scratch. His writing is playful and humorous too, a refreshing change from many overly serious or heavy books.

Again, I recommend it!

For background, Scott

  • Wrote Make It Matter: How Managers Can Motivate by Creating Meaning, 2106 Leadership Book of the Year First Runner Up
  • At Procter & Gamble ran several of the company’s largest multi-billion dollar businesses, all while transforming organizational health scores along the way
  • Was named a “CEO Thought-leader” by The Chief Executives Guild and a “Top 50 Leadership Innovator” by Inc. Magazine, where he also writes a bi-weekly column
  • Is an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University, where he teaches others-oriented leadership and motivation
  • The CEO of Profound Performance LLC, a keynote and training company
  • Appeared in Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, and many other national publications and podcasts, including mine, Leadership and the Environment


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