See Joshua Spodek on a distinguished panel on Entrepreneurship and Leadership at NYU March 27

March 5, 2014 by Joshua
in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I’ve been invited to participate on a panel with several distinguished entrepreneurs and leaders at NYU March 27 6pm-7:30pm. Click here for the announcement and to register (the event is free, but you have to register). Below is the text.

NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative


Entrepreneurship VS Leadership
Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned

We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same thing. Have you wondered what is the relationship between these two fields? How transferable are the skills and capacities that might be required for each? What role does entrepreneurship play in leadership and vice versa?

Join us for an exciting panel discussion as we explore what these two fields mean, how they are different and where we can learn from each. Light food and beverages will be served.


  • Ben Hargreaves, Co-Founder of General Assembly
  • Sonia Ospina (Moderator), Professor of Public Management & Policy at NYU Wagner
  • Joshua Spodek, Professor of Leadership & Entrepreneurship at NYU-Poly
  • Vlad Vukicevic, Founder of RocketHub
  • More to come soon!


Brad Hargreaves, Co-Founder of General Assembly

Brad Hargreaves is a co-founder at General Assembly, an urban campus for technology, design and entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur Brad has created products and companies that bridge online and offline worlds including GoCrossCampus, Aloysius Properties and General Assembly.

Prior to co-founding General Assembly, Brad was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Tipping Point Partners, an early-stage investor and incubator in Tribeca. Brad attended Yale, where he co-founded Yale’s first university-run entrepreneurship initiative. He writes about entrepreneurship, New York City and life at

Sonia Ospina (Moderator), Professor of Public Management & Policy at NYU Wagner

Sonia M. Ospina is Professor of Public Management and Policy in the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU. She also co-founded and co-directors the Research Center for Leadership in Action (RCLA) at Wagner. She has a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Masters in Public Policy and Management from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

A sociologist by training, Professor Ospina is the author of numerous referred journal articles and book chapters on these areas, and has produced six books, including Illusions of Opportunity: Employee Expectations and Workplace Inequality (1996) and Results-oriented Evaluation for a Modern and Democratic Public Management: Latin American Experiences (2003, in Spanish; co-authored) Over the past decade, she partnered with 92 social change organizations in the United States to study their leadership and contributions to democracy in a multi-year research study funded by the Ford Foundation.

Professor Ospina has been the President of the Inter-American Network of Public Administration Education (INPAE), and a member of the Executive Boards of the Association of Public Policy and Management (APPAM) and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). She sits in several international boards on public management and higher education in Latin America and was recently elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration in the United States.

Joshua Spodek, Professor of Leadership and Entrepreneurship at NYU-Poly

Professor at NYU-Poly, Joshua Spodek holds five Ivy-League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA, both from Columbia University. He helped build an X-ray observational satellite orbiting the Earth for the European Space Agency and NASA. He co-founded a venture, Submedia, to market his invention—a technology to show motion-pictures to subway riders moving between stations—as well as several education ventures. He has taught art at Parsons the New School for Design and NYU-Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).

Joshua has been a leadership and executive coach for Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence. He leads seminars in Leadership, Creativity, Sales, Strategy, and Motivation at institutions including Columbia Business School and the NYU-Stern School of Business, and in private corporations. His coaching clients include start-up founders as well as employees of McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and A.T. Kearney, to name a few. He has been profiled by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and many more.

Vladimir Vukicevic, Founder & CTO, RocketHub

Vlad is an entrepreneur and established thought leader in the world of social media and innovation. He has taught Fortune 500 companies how to apply innovative technologies, combined culture with management theory, and believes that crowdfunding is the new path to creative, entrepreneurial, and academic empowerment. Vlad is the CTO of RocketHub, one of the largest crowdfunding platforms in the world. RocketHub has been featured in the New York Times, CNN, NBC, Economist, ABC, and many other news outlets. RocketHub works with global brands such as A&E to provide superior value and to empower the future of crowdfunding.

Have questions about Entrepreneurship VS Leadership: Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned? Contact NYUEN and NYU Leadership Initiative

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