Why I don’t eat meat: non-issue3: animal rights

on December 22, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Following up my series on liberating ourselves from moralists, meddlers, and others who want to impose their subjective values on us in the name of objective truth in the realm of food, let’s continue with animal rights, the next on my list of a few days ago. I confess I don’t know much about animal rights, so I won’t say much today. I distinguish between reasons not to eat meat[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t eat meat: non-issue2: environment

on December 20, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Following up my series on liberating ourselves from moralists, meddlers, and others who want to impose their subjective values on us in the name of objective truth in the realm of food, let’s continue with environmental reasons since I listed it next on my list a few days ago. People who don’t eat meat often point out that eating meat pollutes the environment significantly more than not eating meat. As[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t eat meat: non-issue1: health

on December 20, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Following up yesterday’s post on liberating ourselves from moralists, meddlers, and others who want to impose their subjective values on us in the name of objective truth, let’s start with health since I listed it as the first non-issue two days ago. First, nobody chooses what they eat solely for health, so claiming to eat meat or not as a wholesale policy based on health is a red herring. Next,[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t eat meat: non-issues

on December 19, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

People spout tremendous nonsense on why people should or shouldn’t eat meat. My next several posts will point out flaws in their reasoning. I think in the echo chambers of their minds, people come to believe their reasons for eating or not eating meat are grounded in absolute truth. Or they only talk with people who agree with them, while arguing positionally with people who don’t, a recipe for confirming[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t eat meat, part 2

on December 18, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Yesterday I mentioned I didn’t eat meat for two categories of reasons: taste and intellectual reasons. Today I’ll cover my intellectual reasons. Intellectual You know what? None. Now that I think of it, no intellectual reasons motivate my eating habits. Everything I think of that seems not based in taste, when I peel away at it, turns out based in taste. I expect your reasons ultimately are based in taste[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t eat meat, part 1

on December 17, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Why I don’t eat meat differs from why I stopped eating meat, though the reasons overlap in matters of taste. As I mentioned, I lived over half my life since I stopped eating meat and, as you might expect, my reasons changed. The main reasons for the changes were realizing that I found no objective reason for eating meat or not. I’ve looked and they all turn out subjective. People[…] Keep reading →

Why I stopped eating meat, part 3

on December 16, 2011 in Blog, Nature

Three days ago I mentioned I stopped eating meat for two categories of reasons: taste and intellectual reasons. Two days ago I covered taste. Today, intellectual reasons. First I’ll mention that none of the following reasons motivate me anymore. Though I once did, I no longer find them compelling. I find their counter-arguments equally valid, or just as well, I find them equally invalid. I find talking about these reasons[…] Keep reading →

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