The Food Coop I Grew Up With: Weaver’s Way in Mount Airy, Philadelphia

September 15, 2023 by Joshua
in Habits

I posted pictures of food (and doof) I delivered as part of my volunteering yesterday. I visited Philadelphia recently, including the food coop that I grew up with my family shopping at, Weaver’s Way, in Mount Airy.

I see the place as an institution. It certainly helped form my views on food, community, and community-owned-and-operated businesses, though I only came to realize its value as I moved to fresh, local produce in the past decade or so. Now I belong to a coop in Manhattan.

Here’s my recent podcast conversation with my mom about it:

Here are more pictures of it.

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1 response to “The Food Coop I Grew Up With: Weaver’s Way in Mount Airy, Philadelphia

  1. Pingback: More syringes in our shared world and addicted culture: Philadelphia, August 2023 » Joshua Spodek

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