The Story Behind the Story of the New York Times: “Who Says You Can’t Live Off the Grid in Manhattan?”
I’m honored and humbled by the New York Times‘ profile of me today. The article shows a huge part of my day-to-day life, but a sliver of our long-term leading the world to living joyfully sustainably. Read my book, Sustainability Simplified, for the full story.
Of course, a book can cover more than an article, but everything I do is mission-driven on leadership. Sustainability Simplified charts a clear, joyful, rewarding path to changing global culture, showing what each of us can do, step-by-step, to reach sustainability: governments, corporations, and eight billion people. Get the book for the full story, then take the workshop.

The bigger picture: Sustainability Leadership
Imagine the world reached sustainability: governments, corporations, and eight billion people.
We aren’t there now.
How would we get there?
Wouldn’t someone have to go first?
Wouldn’t someone have to find, through practical, hands-on experience, how to do it and show us how to get there?
Can you think of anyone with a prominent voice in sustainability who is trying to live sustainably? Without practical, hands-on experience of 1) leadership, 2) living sustainably, and 3) sustainability leadership, they’re like someone who read books on piano trying to teach lessons without having played any scales.
They don’t know the joys and rewards of restoring our lost values of human connection embodied in Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, Live And Let Live, and Leave It Better Than You Found It. We still practice them one-on-one, but when we affect people through the environment, we’ve largely abandoned them.
My team and I are restoring them. That’s leadership.
In the meantime, the Times story is a great place to start, just keep in mind, I focus on leadership.
Who Says You Can’t Live Off the Grid in Manhattan?
It takes dedication, solar panels and lots of vegetables. And it probably means putting dating on hold.
About the book:
Here are some endorsements, to whet your appetite:
“Joshua Spodek has written a stunningly elegant and powerful guide on how to be a human. In the process, we may wind up saving the planet—and ourselves. The core message concerns who we want to be in the world. His reasoning is impeccable, his arguments are brilliant, and his writing is a deep pleasure to experience and to learn from. I kept reading sections out loud to my wife simply because I was so excited to be reading such words on a page.”
—Sebastian Junger, Bestselling author of War, Tribe, The Perfect Storm, and In My Time of Dying
“Joshua is a unique practitioner of the kind of sustainability the world needs today. It is my hope that with leadership such as his, we will also see clearer skies over earth in the near future.”
—Ela Bhatt, Founder, Self-Employed Women’s Association of India, member of The Elders, and honoree of the Right Livelihood Award (the “Alternative Nobel Prize”)
“Joshua Spodek is one of those rare cultural bridges, who crosses cultural divides and meets people where they are. Sustainability Simplified is one of the most important approaches of our time, at these crossroads of humanity.”
—Dr. Phoebe Barnard, Co-founder, Global Restoration Collaborative; co-producer, “The Climate Restorers”
“Josh Spodek’s Sustainability Simplified is a groundbreaking guide that debunks myths and offers practical solutions for our environmental crises. His hands-on approach transforms theory into action, empowering readers to make impactful changes. Spodek’s unique insights reveal that true sustainability brings not sacrifice, but liberation and joy. A must-read for anyone committed to a sustainable future.”
—Larry Yatch, Lieutenant, US Navy SEALS (retired), CEO SEAL Team Leaders
“Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince, observed, ‘If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.’ Sustainability Simplified invites such yearning. It’s an appeal that feels aligned to our highest instincts. It’s an inspiring ‘pull’ approach rather than a ‘push’ strategy. This is the kind of leadership that makes a difference—to inspire people, not just motivate them.”
—Stephen M. R. Covey, New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire
“This book is a masterpiece. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum—from bluer than Bernie to a proud Trump supporter like me—I’m sure you are concerned about the world we live in. Josh doesn’t claim to be on either side of the political spectrum. He’s living by his values. Sustainability Simplified shows how to improve the environment without having to protest or shout down others.”
—Rob Harper, America Out Loud podcast host, author, and political commentator
“Sustainability Simplified is about changing mental models. Yes, it’s about sustainability—and quite literally saving the planet—but the only way to succeed is to systematically shift our mental models and break constraints. Josh Spodek has lived it and shows us how to. This extremely powerful book will resonate with anyone anywhere on the political spectrum who dares to look at the world, and their life, through fresh lenses. It will unite us.”
—Alan Iny, Partner and director, Global Lead for Creativity, Boston Consulting Group
“In Sustainability Simplified, Joshua Spodek tells of his beautiful, brave, and personal path to a sustainable life. For himself, and for the planet. He speaks with wisdom, knowledge, and experience. One key takeaway: we will not progress unless we all become intrinsically motivated to be the change we want to see. The Spodek Method described in the book does it. As you will discover, Joshua walks the talk. We don’t have to do all he does, but we would do well to follow some. Why? It will make us happier. Separate us from our addictions. And ultimately, heal the planet.”
—Guy Spier, CEO, Aquamarine, ardent disciple of Warren Buffett, author of The Education of a Value Investor
“Joshua Spodek’s story is a wonderful antidote to the hopelessness that so many people—wrongly!—have about the inevitability of our environmental problems. His remarkable tale begins with one man’s challenge to avoid harming others. He not only kept at it, but uses his own experience to suggest a bold, convincing vision of the larger transition that our whole society so urgently needs to make.”
—Adam Hochschild, Author of Bury the Chains, King Leopold’s Ghost, and other books; co-founder, Mother Jones magazine
“Buckle up and prepare to be deeply challenged! Sustainability Simplified presents a refreshingly new and timely perspective on sustainability, spanning addiction to anthropology. Vitally, it offers a route forward, grounded in personal action, step by step, leading to systemic change and ever deeper reconnection with nature and deep joy.”
—Andy Samuel, PhD, CBE, non-executive director of UK Met Office, former CEO of the UK North Sea Transition Authority (formerly Oil and Gas Authority)
There are many more on the book’s page.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
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