Things I Don’t Know

September 6, 2024 by Joshua
in Choosing/Decision-Making, Nonjudgment

I was thinking about some things I don’t know.

I’m confident humanity is better off with less plastic in the ocean, litter on the ground, and PFAS in our blood, but I don’t know:

When a human sperm and egg become an independent human life the law should protect

The optimal number of and amount of access to guns for self-defense, to protect against government overreach, to defend a community, and to avoid unnecessary and accidental deaths

The right level of taxes to balance motivating innovation and funding government services but not taking too much from people

An ironclad way to define male, female, and variations thereof

How much addicted people (adults) should be treated as diseased versus criminally liable when they hurt others for their addictions

What mix of levels of government should manage an educational system

How to define racism or sexism

How much inheritance should be taxed

If Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were more atheist or religious

If burritos, hot dogs, and tacos are like sandwiches, let alone sushi

The optimum level of a welfare social safety net

The optimum level of military to keep peace without overtaxing taxpayers or enabling tyranny

What blind spots I have

What consciousness is or if it transcends known physics

How or why the universe began or exists

I’ll post more things I don’t know as I come up with them.

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