Unleashed – How to Thrive as an Independent Professional, Will Bachman’s elite podcast
Will Bachman hosts the podcast, “Unleashed – How to Thrive as an Independent Professional.” He also co-founded the tremendous online community of top-tier management consultants, Umbrex.
Will and I have known each other online for a decade as Columbia Business School alumni active in leadership. We recorded this conversation in-person at my apartment. Listen for an intimate, unfiltered inside view of my life as we walk around my place and Will asks me to describe various things—my garbage, my blackboard and what’s written on it, and inside things like that.
If you read my stuff and want an inside view, this is your chance.
Here are Will’s episode notes:
Our guest today is Josh Spodek, the author of Leadership Step by Step.
Josh is an independent professional who
- coaches individual clients
- teaches leadership and entrepreneurship as an adjunct professor at NYU
- does speaking engagements
- runs online courses in leadership and entrepreneurship on SpodekAcademy.com
For the show we met at Josh’s apartment in Greenwich Village, and in the first part of our conversation we discuss the blackboard in his room and the new course he is currently developing, which is sketched out in chalk.
We also talk about what Josh has learned from blogging every single day since 2011, the impact on his fitness from doing 90,000 burpees over the past few years, and how he fits four months of garbage into one tote bag.
Josh’s approach to teaching leadership and entrepreneurship is very experiential and organized around a series of exercises. We discuss several of these, including what you can learn from three raisins.
You can learn more about Josh and take his online course at http://spodekacademy.com
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees