Video: What my entrepreneurship course, leadership course, and sidchas can deliver

April 23, 2016 by Joshua
in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

Here is an interview with a client who did the exercises in my online entrepreneurship course and my online leadership course. He also created sidchas in his life and did them with diligence and dedication.

Among other things, he recently checked off a major life goal of finishing his first marathon. Then a second about a week later!

… less than a year after founding a new company.

Reach your potential in business and life.

What he achieved for himself you can too for yourself. My courses will help.

They don’t take time from the rest of life. You work with people in your life that you care about on projects that you care about without distracting from the rest of your work and life.

Learn more about the entrepreneurship course and register here

Learn more about the leadership course and register here

Read testimonials about my courses here

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