Why Disaster Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me as an Entrepreneur
My post today on Inc.com, “Why Disaster Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me as an Entrepreneur,†begins:
Why Disaster Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me as an Entrepreneur
You want experience in people you hire and yourself too. Only the more useful the experience, the more painful it is to gain.
Do you know how to tell how good at something someone is? I’ve learned:
Clueless people brag about how great they are.
Masters tell you the disasters they overcame on the way to mastery.
The masters’ stories are more fun and educational. I hope you enjoy and learn from mine.
You Value Experience, But Not Any Experience
When you hire, you look for experience, but not any experience. Anyone the same age has the same time of experience.
You don’t value someone sitting around eating cookies and ice cream. You value someone who’s put out fires.
You want to be able to handle fires yourself.
Which means you having faced them yourself.
Read the rest at Inc.com: Why Disaster Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me as an Entrepreneur.
You’ll get to read and see the video of the disaster (and recovery) of my last webinar, when the software failed in multiple ways while I was live.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
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