Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much

July 27, 2017 by Joshua
in Choosing/Decision-Making, Inc.com, Leadership

My Inc. post today, “Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much,” begins

Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much

“Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much,” my Inc. post today

Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much

There is no half-integrity. Do it all the way or it undermines your leadership.

Mark Zuckerberg announced a few months ago his plan to visit every state to learn more about people who use Facebook–people who struggle to make ends meet or fall through the cracks.

Leonardo DiCaprio was named United Nations representative on climate change in 2014, which he followed up with the movie Before the Flood and many statements on slowing climate change and reducing pollution.


Next thing you know, Zuckerberg faces criticism for not seeing the people struggling to make ends meet on his payroll, in his back yard. As the Guardian reports,

Read the rest at Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much.

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