16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t
My post today on Inc.com, “16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t,” begins
16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t
You know successful habits create success. The challenge is doing them. Here are tips from someone who hasn’t missed his daily habits in over five years.
In January 2011 I started writing on my blog daily. I haven’t missed a day since, meaning over 2,200 posts. It’s part of why I’m writing here.
In December 2011 I started doing burpees daily. I haven’t missed a day since, meaning over 75,000 burpees.
Don’t even ask about my cold shower habit, now four years in.
Everyone knows the value of habit. People ask me how to start them.
Years ago I only had unintentional habits that didn’t improve my life much. Now I do ones I intentionally adopted because I knew they would improve my life. And ones I don’t like I’ve gotten rid of. Here are my top tips for starting habits you want and stopping habits you don’t.
Read the rest at 16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t!
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees