I will stake my floor as clean as anyone’s, but the sponge I clean it with is nearing the end of its life

November 27, 2023 by Joshua
in Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

I contend that my floor is as clean as any you’ll find. One of my sidchas (maybe standard operating procedure) is that I clean it every six days as part of my six-day exercise cycle. I used to clean it before lifting, but realized I get on the floor more for my Turkish Get-ups so clean before it. I’ve gotten complements on my floor’s cleanliness, which comes despite how much lint and dirt is in the air.

Two years ago I posted pictures of how old my sponge looked in a post Why you shouldn’t live sustainably (not really): Coming clean about my shameful sponge. I wrote “It’s in tatters. But . . . it still cleans the floor. Why get rid of something that works?” I don’t like buying material things.

Now it’s even more in tatters. Look at this thing! Probably less than half the original material remains in it. If I weren’t so proud of getting so much life out of it and thereby not buying something not yet necessary, I might feel ashamed of something so decrepit. Also that people compliment my floors. Cleaning the floor is all I use it for.

Here’s the other side, which is rougher so I use it to scrub when dirt is ground in.

I remember using it with my ex-ex-girlfriend, so it’s around ten to fifteen years old. Crazy that I thought it was at the end of its life when I posted before, in September 2021, when I used it without pause for two more years. I feel like it won’t last another year, but you never know.

I like clean floors and I don’t like buying material things so I like my sponge.

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