Search Results for: Viravaidya

More Mechai Viravaidya resources: Our world’s top role model

on June 24, 2021 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

In preparing for my podcast conversation with Mechai Viravaidya, his team sent extra material. I think you’ll value knowing more about him. First, given that We Can Dance Around Environmental Problems All We Want. We Eventually Reach Overpopulation and Overconsumption, I consider Mechai’s work on family planning among the most important work in the world, beyond the Green Revolution. He lowered birth rate through voluntary, fun means that increased health,[…] Keep reading →

477: Mechai Viravaidya: My #1 Top Role Model in the World

on June 23, 2021 in Podcast

I consider Mechai Viravaidya my top role model for sustainability leadership. As I described in a recent episode, We Can Dance Around Environmental Problems All We Want. We Eventually Reach Overpopulation and Overconsumption. Before learning of Mechai Viravaidya, I knew only of China’s One Child Policy and eugenics. I couldn’t talk about population when I thought the cure was worse than the disease. Learning of Mechai changed everything. As his[…] Keep reading →

477: Mechai Viravaidya: My #1 Top Role Model in the World

on June 23, 2021 in Podcast

I consider Mechai Viravaidya my top role model for sustainability leadership. As I described in a recent episode, We Can Dance Around Environmental Problems All We Want. We Eventually Reach Overpopulation and Overconsumption. Before learning of Mechai Viravaidya, I knew only of China’s One Child Policy and eugenics. I couldn’t talk about population when I thought the cure was worse than the disease. Learning of Mechai changed everything. As his[…] Keep reading →

Mechai Viravaidya

on June 23, 2021 in Podcast

Founder and Board Chairman of the Population & Community Development Association Mechai Viravaidya, also known as “the condom king,” is Thailand’s famous fighter for family planning and safe sex. A health economist from a wealthy family and the founder of the Population and Community Development Association, Mechai is best known for his use of humor and unorthodox methods in focusing the public’s attention on public health. In the 1970s and[…] Keep reading →

279: Role model and global leader Mechai Viravaidya

on January 25, 2020 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from for this episode I’ve said we don’t have many role models. Well I found one. I was wrong. I’m going to tell you about a man I briefly mentioned in one of my episodes on Alan Weisman’s book Countdown. He exposes the absolute self-pitying lie that what one person do doesn’t matter. Also the lie that government has to act first, or corporations.[…] Keep reading →

279: Role model and global leader Mechai Viravaidya

on January 25, 2020 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from for this episode I’ve said we don’t have many role models. Well I found one. I was wrong. I’m going to tell you about a man I briefly mentioned in one of my episodes on Alan Weisman’s book Countdown. He exposes the absolute self-pitying lie that what one person do doesn’t matter. Also the lie that government has to act first, or corporations.[…] Keep reading →

If you think we can feed 10 billion people sustainably in 2050, why don’t we live sustainably now? Why don’t you?

on February 25, 2022 in Nature

The internet is filled with people projecting how we can feed 10 billion people in 2050. Here are a bunch, the result of searching on “how we will feed 10 billion people.” I ask rhetorically, “If you think we can feed 10 billion people sustainably,” why don’t we live sustainably now? More to the point: why aren’t you living sustainably now? Why are nearly no humans anywhere on Earth living[…] Keep reading →

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