Search Results for: farm

Great time to join a CSA (farm share)

on February 20, 2024 in Fitness

Spring is around the corner. Time to sign up for a CSA. If you don’t know, CSA is an acronym for an unhelpful name Community Supported Agriculture. You pay a farm a fixed amount before the season starts. Then each week you pick up your weekly load of produce. The benefits are big: more delicious produce, lower costs, more variety, you can meet your farmer and other CSA members, more[…] Keep reading →

More pictures from volunteering, delivering farm fresh vegetables.

on December 1, 2023 in Habits

These pictures are from volunteering delivering surplus food to the community center a couple months ago. I don’t usually take pictures so when I do I sometimes post them here. I like alleviating suffering. I don’t like watching TV or scrolling social media so I volunteer instead. I don’t understand how people find so much time for social media when we can volunteer.

571: Chef Dan Barber, part 1: Supporting the whole ecosystem and farmers at every turn

on April 12, 2022 in Podcast

Dan Barber is helping revitalize our food system. We start by going over his background, how fear drove him maybe most of all. Then we get into what drives food: farms and soil combined with creativity. His goal is supporting farming from the most basic level. He doesn’t oppose people shopping farmers markets. He comes alive describing discovering what farmers who know the land learned to practice: diversity, rotation, and[…] Keep reading →

571: Chef Dan Barber, part 1: Supporting the whole ecosystem and farmers at every turn

on April 12, 2022 in Podcast

Dan Barber is helping revitalize our food system. We start by going over his background, how fear drove him maybe most of all. Then we get into what drives food: farms and soil combined with creativity. His goal is supporting farming from the most basic level. He doesn’t oppose people shopping farmers markets. He comes alive describing discovering what farmers who know the land learned to practice: diversity, rotation, and[…] Keep reading →

But I don’t have any farmers markets nearby. Should I give up?

on March 31, 2021 in Nature

“It’s easy to shop at a farmers market in the city, but out here in the country, it’s not so easy.” That’s what I felt a year ago at the beginning of the pandemic staying at my mom’s house, a couple hours northwest of New York City. People said it to me all the time when I told them where I learned to shop. I said it too for years[…] Keep reading →

Vertical farms illustrate the problem with fusion

on March 17, 2021 in Nature

You’ve probably heard of vertical farms—growing crops indoors stacked as high as the entrepreneur builds. Indoors allows year-round growing, growing near where people live, saving transportation costs and pollution. It allows hydroponics and related techniques, reducing resource use. They light plants with LEDs with frequencies optimized for each plant. Despite these advantages, they face several limitations. So far, only high water, low calorie plants like lettuce, tomatoes, and herbs have[…] Keep reading →

375: Vertical farms belie the false hope of fusion

on August 22, 2020 in Podcast

For years I thought fusion could solve our environmental problems. Serious consideration betrays that false promise, illustrating it would only continue the the pattern creating the problems we’re trying to solve. Even if it works, it leads to two results I see as problems. One, it will lead us to keep changing our world away from the environment we evolved in to allow us to thrive and enjoy a bountiful[…] Keep reading →

375: Vertical farms belie the false hope of fusion

on August 22, 2020 in Podcast

For years I thought fusion could solve our environmental problems. Serious consideration betrays that false promise, illustrating it would only continue the the pattern creating the problems we’re trying to solve. Even if it works, it leads to two results I see as problems. One, it will lead us to keep changing our world away from the environment we evolved in to allow us to thrive and enjoy a bountiful[…] Keep reading →

327: Rhonda Lamb, part 1: The Bronx and farm-fresh vegetables

on April 18, 2020 in Podcast

You’ll hear about Rhonda and how we met in the beginning of our conversation, but I brought her in for a different reason than most of my other guests. I invite a lot of people to my famous no-packaging vegetable stew. Though I created the stew with accessibility from the start, people kept saying I didn’t understand that for some people they were less accessible, especially the “single mother in[…] Keep reading →

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