Are environmentalists nearly all science deniers?

July 13, 2024 by Joshua
in Education, Leadership, Nature

Environmentalists call people who disagree with them “science deniers” and “climate deniers.” They get annoyed when people presented with the science don’t change their behavior when science shows it’s creating undesired outcomes.

Meanwhile, I see environmentalists use ineffective techniques to try to change others’ behavior. When their techniques don’t work, they don’t change their behavior to ways that work. The science is clear that their techniques don’t work, yet they stick with them.

Influence and leadership aren’t the hard sciences of physics and chemistry, but there are repeatable results and we know some things that work and others that don’t. Lecturing doesn’t work, nor do many techniques they use.

They want others to observe science and change their behavior but they don’t themselves. In my experience, effective leadership comes from practicing the basics of leadership. You can’t learn them from reading about them or denying them any more than you can learn to play piano by reading about music theory.


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