Attend an event with Generation 180 Tuesday at 7:30pm in NYC: A clean energy nonprofit doing effective, meaningful work

October 20, 2017 by Joshua
in Events, Nature

Want to make a difference?

Many environmental organizations tell others what to do—trying to pass laws, spreading facts, promoting new technologies, and such. I support them, but I think they’re missing what’s most important today in the United States.

People know what they should do and what they value. They aren’t acting consistently with it. They want to pollute less, create less garbage, reduce their emissions, but they aren’t. New facts don’t change behavior. Giving them little changes may lead to little results, but promotes the beliefs and goals driving the system filling the oceans with plastic and our groundwater with mercury.

If you believe change will make you miserable you’ll give up. If you believe the economy and therefore the population have to keep growing, nothing will ever satisfy you.

I know almost no person or organization working to change our beliefs and goals, without which I predict all improvements in quality of life will result in otherwise unpredicted growth that will undo the improvements per capita. More science, education, and proposed laws, however necessary, don’t act on what will motivate people in 2017’s situation.

Generation 180 is working to change people’s beliefs, behavior, and goals—what I consider leadership. I consider their “New Face of Energy” video the best work I’ve seen for today’s challenges. Instead of telling you what to do or debating facts, it makes you feel good about the decisions most of us want to make. At least it did for me.

I met Generation 180 at their offices. We spoke about our perspectives and goals. If you like my work and perspective, you’ll like theirs.

Generation 180

Attend their event in Manhattan on Tuesday, 7:30pm!

The invitation they sent me has the logistics and where to register.

Hello Josh,

You are invited to Get Plugged In with Generation 180 and learn about the new volunteer team we are forming in NYC.

Join us to hear about Generation 180’s mission to spread the Energy Aware Movement, a growing collective of people embracing new energy choices to accelerate the transition to clean energy and a healthier future.

The Generation 180 team will influence energy choices by leading workshops that promote clean energy solutions, supporting local schools in going solar, and encouraging businesses to stop energy waste. At the event you can find out to how to get involved in launching the NYC team and leading Generation 180’s clean energy campaigns.

Please come and meet volunteer team leaders Katherine Gloede and Drew Silverman next Tuesday, October 24 at 7:30pm at Aroma Espresso Bar (161 W. 72nd Street) in the Upper West Side. We hope you can join us and bring your friends and colleagues who are excited about a clean energy future in New York City. Please RSVP using either EventBrite or Facebook.

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