A beautiful spring day in my neighborhood

May 23, 2011 by Joshua
in Art, Blog, Nature

Saturday was such a beautiful day I couldn’t resist walking in the park across the street from my building, making me late to meet my sister and nephew in Queens.

The park is tiny but beautifully maintained by neighbors. It has a small walking path around it. The pictures in the slide show below follow my view walking around the path, sometimes looking forward, sometimes backward, sometimes toward the middle.

It also turned out to be one of the biannual Jefferson Market Gardens Children’s Festival of Flowers, so there were extra flowers, families, etc. My sister and nephew came back and enjoyed the park too. Until we got hungry, made nachos at my place, and ate them on my roof.

Here’s the slide show:

Update: My neighbor pointed out the garden is entirely supported by the neighborhood (and you, if you contribute time, money, or other resource) and has a web page of its own with another slide show with more great pictures, good enough they look professional. Apparently Sex in the City staged a wedding there.

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2 responses on “A beautiful spring day in my neighborhood

  1. Pingback: Joshua Spodek » Three little birds

  2. Pingback: Central Park: Sunday’s stunning explosion of autumn colors | Joshua Spodek

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