Category Archives: Blog

How society will develop

on July 18, 2016 in Blog

Once no multi-celled life existed. Each single-celled life lived autonomously. I don’t know how multi-celled life evolved, but it did and the cells in your body with your DNA have little autonomy. Your liver cells do what liver cells do and live in your liver. Your heart cells do heart cell things and that’s it. Your nervous system has some decision-making and control, but they have little autonomy either. The[…] Keep reading →

Help critique my new site

on June 28, 2016 in Blog

You’ve read about my online courses and their reviews. I’m working with some developers to create a new page to host the courses since is a blog. I’d love to get the feedback of a few people on the new page, which is almost done. If you’re a regular reader, have an interest in my courses, know how to give helpful advice and feedback on web pages, and are[…] Keep reading →

Your past isn’t a restriction

on June 10, 2015 in Blog

I posted a couple weeks ago how what you studied in school doesn’t restrict you from working outside that field. I’ve talked to a lot of people who feel because they studied a field they have to stay in it. I find it contrary to the point of education that increasing your knowledge in one area should lead someone to believe they are less qualified in another. Logically it makes[…] Keep reading →

Op/Ed Fridays: Americans’ distorted view of wealth

on October 10, 2014 in Blog

I talk about mental models and beliefs and how they determine how you live. Two researchers (“Building a Better America−−One Wealth Quintile at a Time,” Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely, Perspectives on Psychological Science 2011 6: 9) asked Americans about their views on how wealth is distributed among Americans. The chart below summarizes some results. The top bar, “Actual,” shows the distribution of wealth owned by each fifth of[…] Keep reading →

Why I avoid sending resumes: people say no to resumes, they say yes to people.

on September 6, 2014 in Blog

Over the summer, after a great meeting, a well-placed woman I met began the process of offering me a job. To put me in touch with the decision-maker at the firm, she asked for my resume. I told her I preferred not to send it. Why did I decline to send it? The job looked great—a part-time role that would complement my personal projects, with autonomy, leadership, and the opportunity[…] Keep reading →

Advice I ignore. Advice I take.

on August 21, 2014 in Blog

Yesterday at a dinner party someone heard me describe my work and started giving me advice. It sounded like something that would take resources to act on and it didn’t sound better than what I was already doing. I politely told him so many people offer me advice, I find the only advice worthwhile is when the person offers a contact where everyone would benefit from the connection. He didn’t[…] Keep reading →

I want skills, not inborn talent, intelligence, wishes, or hope

on July 29, 2014 in Blog

Skills I can develop. If I don’t have them I can learn them. If someone else has a skill, it means I can get it too. If I value it and want it, I just have to learn it. Learning skills may take effort, time, attention, and other resources, but I can develop them. I coach skills to my clients because I find it enables them most to improve their[…] Keep reading →

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