Category Archives: Blog

Read my blog, learn about yourself, get hired

on July 23, 2014 in Blog

One of my readers used my blog in a job interview. I don’t think he planned it, but he got the job. Here’s his story: I used your Introvert/Extrovert X-Y axis in an interview a few years ago. He asked “Are you an introvert or an extrovert”, and I said “Neither, and that’s a dangerous question, and here’s why” and started diagramming on a napkin. They seemed impressed, and I[…] Keep reading →

Op/Ed Fridays: Applying “A rising tide lifts all boats” to the economy is stupid or malevolent

on June 6, 2014 in Blog

The other day the New York Times posted an article “Growth Has Been Good for Decades. So Why Hasn’t Poverty Declined?” that began The surest way to fight poverty is to achieve stronger economic growth. That, anyway, is a view embedded in the thinking of a lot of politicians and economists. “The federal government,” Paul Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, wrote in The Wall Street Journal, “needs to remember[…] Keep reading →

Read more deeply: a list of my longer posts

on June 1, 2014 in Blog

Want to see a subject I cover in more depth? Read one of my series. Sometimes I write a series of posts to develop an idea further than a single post allows. Here is a page listing of all of them. I wish I could convey how valuable the material in them is. I recommend reading them.

2048 high score: 60,400 with a 4096 tile

on April 27, 2014 in Blog

I’ve played this game for a while. I finally got a 4096 tile and got to 60,400 points. I’ve read about people getting a lot farther, but this was high enough for me to post.

If you miss one day you can miss two. If you miss two it’s over

on March 22, 2014 in Blog

Disaster! My computer won’t start. Can I ask you a favor? Since my password to log into my web page is on the computer and I can’t access my backup hard drive while my apartment renovations finish, as my web guy, you’re my best hope to post something today. I have to meet a client for a full-day coaching session so I can’t work on my computer until tomorrow. Would[…] Keep reading →

More inspiration from Martin Luther King, especially if you haven’t achieved much yet

on January 20, 2014 in Blog, Education, Freedom, Leadership

Perhaps the best honor one person can give another is to understand them and continue their legacy. I’m writing today’s post to suggest you can do that with Martin Luther King more than you think. Many people believe Einstein got bad grades, but I understand he didn’t. Martin Luther King, Jr got bad grades. He started graduate school at a school near Philadelphia called Crozer. Note among his grades —[…] Keep reading →

30,000 burpees!

on January 9, 2014 in Blog, Fitness

30,000 burpees! That’s a lot of burpees. I will hit that milestone tomorrow morning, or thereabouts, assuming forty burpees per day starting December 21, 2011. The first few months I ramped up from ten per day so I might have done fewer, but I’ve also done a bunch of extras to make up for eating or drinking too much unhealthy food or drink. I’ve influenced a few people to do[…] Keep reading →

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