Category Archives: Blog

Watch your wallet: examples of heavy polluters saying “we need to bring energy to the world’s poorest” so they can pollute and profit more.

on December 14, 2022 in Blog

Read my post When a heavy polluter says “we need to bring energy to the world’s poorest,” watch your wallet, where I describe that everyone with their misguided way to drive our polluting system faster profiting themselves in the process says some version of “we’re helping the poor,” they’re helping themselves, likely exacerbating poverty, dumping pollution onto the poor. As I find examples in the media, I’ll put them here:[…] Keep reading →

Vegan restaurants and doof

on October 27, 2022 in Blog

There are a lot more vegan restaurants around. I’ve visited a few. As best I can tell, they’re taking packaged fake meats and other things prepared elsewhere and putting them together. I haven’t found one that serves mostly vegetables or seems to honor nature and the art and craft of preparing food. Does this veggie burger look like they made it in the store or assembled things made elsewhere? Do[…] Keep reading →

Limits to economic growth: A peer-reviewed paper by podcast guest Tom Murphy

on August 6, 2022 in Blog

I’ve described Tom Murphy’s textbook, Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet, the science book of the decade. He just published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Physics, one of the most important parts: how basic physical constraints limit how much our economy can grow. The paper is called Limits to economic growth. Quoting Tom’s blog post linking to the piece inline and in pdf, the “real” article [is] in[…] Keep reading →

Doof isn’t cheaper than food

on July 13, 2022 in Blog

The refrain: “poor people can fill their stomachs with more with a dollar at McDonald’s than with healthy food,” often implying if you can afford healthy food, you don’t know what it’s like for people who actually have to struggle. I’ll leave the ad hominem part for another post. As for the claim McDonald’s somehow saves money, it’s wrong. Citing the USDA, Forbes reports, “Despite the rumor that government subsidies[…] Keep reading →

596: Sandra Pérez, part 1: Keeping New York’s LGBTQIA+ Pride March clean

on June 19, 2022 in Blog

Sandra took responsibility when she didn’t have to, as the Executive Director of NYC Pride, to respond to my requests to talk to an organizer. Longtime listeners and readers of my blog know that last year, I was disgusted by the garbage covering Washington Square Park the morning after New York City’s 2021 Pride March. I posted pictures and video with the quote from another person in the park I[…] Keep reading →

583: Growthbusters called me extreme, so I responded

on May 21, 2022 in Blog

The notes I read from for this episode: Notes for Growthbusters comments I love the Growthbusters documentary and helped fund making it free online. I listen to every episode of the podcast. They know I love them and their message and I would only comment on them out of love and support. They quoted and commented on an email I sent them and have to comment back. They’ve hosted me[…] Keep reading →

Bill Nye the Science Guy sells out to Coca-Cola

on April 16, 2022 in Blog

I try to stick to posts where I create most of the content, but my disgust at the depravity of this video was too great to avoid. I hope I misunderstand something about it. If so, I’m happy to change my story. I don’t know much about Bill Nye, but I thought he created a character appealing to kids. Here he trades in what value he had for I don’t[…] Keep reading →

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