Category Archives: Blog

Reader questions

on July 8, 2020 in Blog

I’ve meant for years to post to solicit questions from readers. You know you have questions about something I cover—burpees, leadership, entrepreneurship, education, stewardship, swimming across the Hudson River, posting daily, etc. Contact me here. When I meet people in person or email one-on-one, people say they’ve wanted to know something about me or what I write. I’ll keep names discrete if requested.

See me on Rise to the Occasion with Chelsea Behrens

on March 18, 2020 in Blog

Chelsea Behrens created a community on Corporate Career Courage: how to be a catalyst for change, a champion for diversity, and thrive as a leader. She interviewed me and posted the video. We covered a range of leadership topics and stories. She went from having done no burpees to 66 days in a row and counting! Watch the video Show notes Interview with Joshua Spodek Josh Spodek is a leader[…] Keep reading →

See my interview in the Let’s Reach Success blog

on February 24, 2020 in Blog

The Let’s Reach Success blog posted today an interview its host, Lidiya K, did with me, entitled How to Write an Amazon Bestseller, Become a TEDx Speaker and Host an Award-Winning Podcast. As you can tell from the title, she covered the books, podcast, and TEDx talks—a comprehensive interview. About Lidiya: Lidiya K I’m a full-time blogger, lifestyle designer and the founder of Let’s Reach Success. Join me to learn[…] Keep reading →

Social media is gossip — global and anonymous gossip

on November 23, 2019 in Blog

People fear social media. They see what it does to relationships and communities. Next time you see people say something on social media self-righteous, mean, condemning, etc about someone you know or at least know of, ask if the people are gossiping — except instead of over the backyard fence in private, to the world in public, which responds in kind. All cultures gossip, I hear. Evolutionary psychology tells us[…] Keep reading →

245: Tia Nelson, part 1: Earth Day

on November 15, 2019 in Blog

One of my main goals for this podcast is to bring people who love acting on one’s environmental values, seeing stewardship not as an obligation but as being a part of something greater than yourself, than any of us, benefiting everyone, and yourself. As you’ll hear, Tia’s roots precede the first Earth Day. Her father started it. Despite so many problems remaining — basically all of them — she’s the[…] Keep reading →

244: Lessons from extinction

on November 11, 2019 in Blog

Learning that humans only recently developed the concept of extinction. Much of the West, for example, believed in a Great Chain of Being, spontaneous generation, and a biblical flood. That perspective suggests that many past behaviors we consider unconscionable may have seemed even humane then, like walking up to a rhinoceros and shooting it in the head. If you can’t imagine it going extinct because new ones will form, how[…] Keep reading →

My social media notes on the environment

on October 23, 2019 in Blog

I’m commenting on threads on the environment in various social media outlets, partly to participate, partly to practice. First-time posts new ideas and views often provoke argument and criticism, so I find it useful to refine my thoughts. My goals with new ideas is to help lead based on one of my definitions of leadership: to help people do what they wanted but couldn’t figure out how to. I think[…] Keep reading →

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