Category Archives: NorthKorea

A North Korean vegan food blog

on March 1, 2012 in NorthKorea

Who would have believed a North Korean vegan food blog could exist? And written by someone in New York City, home to no North Korean restaurants. Maybe this means I will get to try some reasonably authentic naengmyeon. Check it out: “The world’s first English-language vegan food blog devoted to North Korean cuisine.”

Planet Money on the North Korean economy

on February 25, 2012 in NorthKorea

A podcast from NPR called Planet Money did a twenty-minute podcast last summer on the North Korean economy. I thought they did a great job, covering its size, its challenge of getting hard currencies other countries will accept, and its solutions. Since the country can’t feed its people or fuel its army, the leaders have had to solve how to get themselves luxury goods. The solutions include leasing land rights,[…] Keep reading →

Grand Illusions and North Korea, part 1

on January 31, 2012 in Freedom, NorthKorea

People, left to themselves, don’t seem to care about people on the other side of the planet. They seem to want to pursue happiness and enjoy themselves if they can. My observations in North Korea reinforced this sentiment. It raises the question why North Korea and the United States harbor so much animosity. History answers the question at a low level. My visit revealed to me deeper reasons. In all[…] Keep reading →

This land was made for you and me

on January 13, 2012 in Art, Creativity, Freedom, Leadership, Nature, NorthKorea

Like most American kids of my generation, I learned This Land Is Your Land as a children’s song, never thinking much of its meaning. A decade or two later, I heard Bruce Springsteen’s version of it on his Live 75-85 set. His introduction first got me thinking about its meaning, especially in contrast to God Bless America. I didn’t know Woodie Guthrie wrote This Land Is Your Land as an[…] Keep reading →

Hundreds of millions of counterfeit hundred dollar bills, part 3

on January 12, 2012 in NorthKorea

At the end of my first post on this topic I speculated on the motivations of counterfeiters. The Vanity Fair article I mentioned in part 2 reminded me of other motivations that make the behavior more understandable to me. The North Korean bureaucracy that implements the counterfeiting, drug smuggling, and so on, according to the article, has many levels. Someone high up — as high as Kim Jong Il, according[…] Keep reading →

Hundreds of millions of counterfeit hundred dollar bills, part 2

on January 11, 2012 in NorthKorea

Following up yesterday’s post on the New York Times’s article on counterfeit hundred dollar bills and evidence pointing to the North Korean government having forged them, today let’s look at a Vanity Fair article on the same topic. Vanity Fair wonderfully describes the network and system within North Korea and the international police work that found out what it did. It builds to a crescendo that in 2007 the U.S.[…] Keep reading →

Hundreds of millions of counterfeit hundred dollar bills, part 1

on January 10, 2012 in NorthKorea

I remember reading this 2006 New York Times article, “No Ordinary Counterfeit” when it first printed, about so-called supernotes, counterfeit hundred dollar bills whose inaccuracies sometimes appeared as technical improvements, long before considering visiting. On Oct. 2, 2004, the container ship Ever Unique, sailing under a Panamanian flag from Yantai, China, berthed in the Port of Newark. As cranes unloaded the vessel’s shipping containers, which were filled with a variety[…] Keep reading →

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