Category Archives: NorthKorea

A story of a North Korean prison camp

on April 3, 2012 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Today I’m just linking to a radio interview on a man born and raised in the North Korea prison camp system. Prepare yourself before listening since it gets serious. It speaks for itself. I understand the North Korean government generally states it has no prison camps. Visiting North Korea through the government tour, you would see no evidence of this story. Reading Nothing to Envy, you find out more about[…] Keep reading →

North Korea, the environment, and trees

on April 2, 2012 in Nature, NorthKorea

This NY TImes article on North Korea and its environment, Q. and A.: North Korea’s Choked Environment, reminded me of other routes to create bonds and understanding with North Korea — nature and science. The article describes the current environmental situation there, some history, and how a conference on it went. Since the Korean War North Korea has lost trees, exacerbated by famine, mismanagement, flooding, and so on. Everybody gains[…] Keep reading →

Obama’s missed North Korea opportunity

on March 28, 2012 in Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

When I first saw this picture, reading in the New York Times how “In South Korea Visit, Obama Visits Border and Warns North,” I thought little of it, until I thought back to my earlier post on leadership opportunities for U.S. Presidents. I consider visiting a militarized border admirable and addressing North Korea important. But standing behind bulletproof glass is nothing like the speeches of Kennedy and Reagan. Maybe North[…] Keep reading →

The slides from my North Korea talk at Columbia Business School

on March 26, 2012 in Education, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Saturday’s talk on North Korea at Columbia Business School went great — a full room, an attentive audience, and great questions at the end. I didn’t leave as much time for questions as I wish I had, but the organizer told me people told her they liked the talk a lot. Several people asked for copies of the slides so I’m posting them here instead of sending multiple emails.

Another review of Understanding North Korea: Demystifying the World’s Most Misunderstood Country

on March 20, 2012 in Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Joseph Ferris, who took the most breathtaking and evocative pictures of North Korea I’ve seen — see them on Flickr (I recommend watching the whole slide show) — reviewed my book, Understanding North Korea: Demystifying the World’s Most Misunderstood Country, in his blog, An American in North Korea. He wrote I admit that I was quite skeptical to learn that on his return he wrote a book on North Korea,[…] Keep reading →

A question on my North Korea talk at Columbia

on March 17, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, NorthKorea

A Columbia student responded to the announcement of my talk: I would be interested in why a human rights club is putting on what appears to be a sympathetic presentation on one of the world’s most notorious human rights abusers. Shouldn’t you be focusing on the plight of north Koreans rather than the “misunderstood” nature of an autocratic regime? Questions like his come up a lot. North Korea is an[…] Keep reading →

See Joshua Spodek on understanding North Korea from a business strategy perspective at Columbia Business School

on March 16, 2012 in Blog, Education, NorthKorea

Columbia Global Initiative for Human Rights Proudly Presents North Korea: Demystifying the Business Strategy of the World’s Most Misunderstood Country * * * * * Lecture Description: Kim Jong Il’s death this December has reignited popular intrigue about North Korea and justifiably so. Few understand this isolated and authoritarian country despite its paramount global importance. How can we understand this mysterious country, its leaders and its economy? Professors Bruce Greenwald[…] Keep reading →

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