Common objection 10: I’m good at something else

November 30, 2012 by Joshua
in Blog, Leadership, Tips

[This post is part of a series on internal objections and blocks and how to overcome them. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.]


This objection sounds so weird when you say it abstractly you can’t imagine people succumbing to it. When they say it less abstractly you can understand why it holds people back, but also that they should be able to get past it.

In the abstract:

I excel in another area so I can’t in this one.

Does that sound crazy to you? Why should strength in one area hold you back from another? I hear versions of it all the time in different ways.

Less abstract:

I work in sales. I can’t move to executive.

I’m a jock. Jocks don’t get good grades.

I’m a people person. I don’t work on solving technical problems.


When you move from a functional role like sales or accounting or R&D to management or from management to general management or leadership, your role requires more social and leadership skills. Many people resist the transition.

Underlying belief

I think a lot of people fear showing weakness in the new field, especially if they have successful reputations in the old position. As we all know, fear motivates.

Alternative belief

I recommend believing

There are no limits to what I can be good at. 


Being good at one thing probably means I have a good chance of being good at others.

Alternative strategy

Realize the illogic of thinking strength in one area would imply weakness in another.

Look for role models of people who succeeded in the transitions you’re considering. Remember you were once weak in whatever you’re now strong in too.


Transform yourself based on what you want to transform.

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