The Create Your Life radio interview with Kevin Brown

May 12, 2017 by Joshua
in Audio, Fitness, SIDCHAs

Today Kevin Brown, host of the Create Your Life radio show and podcast, released his interview of me.

Kevin and I met public speaking and became friends. He got me to share a painful anecdote I’ve never shared publicly before. As hard as it was to share it, I thank him for giving me the space and support to share it.

Listen to our conversation!

The Create Your LIfe interview with Kevin Brown and Joshua Spodek

The Create Your LIfe interview with Kevin Brown and Joshua Spodek

Listen to our conversation!

Kevin’s notes for the podcast:

Josh tells us what compelled him since childhood, his journey through five degrees, Spodek Academy, his motivations, and why 90,000 burpees isn’t enough. He talks about his visits to North Korea.

Insight from this episode:

  • Working through business lows and highs and coming out on top.
  • “I never felt I had to go out and start at a company and work until I got the gold watch at 50 years, I never felt compelled to do that.” – Josh Spodek
  • Understanding steps to leadership and self-awareness.
  • “If someone doesn’t have discipline, that’s not a reason to do it, that’s a reason TO do it.”-Josh Spodek
  • Teaching, writing, business ownership and daily challenges.

Resources: Free Mind-mapping Software at

Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow” available at Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, and more.

Stay Connected:

Josh Spodek:,,


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From the Create Your Life’s About page:

The Create Your Life Series Radio Show & Podcast

Kevin Y. Brown is an award winning International Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Entrepreneur, author and former foster kid. The goal of the Create Your Life Series is to help listeners maximize their potential and results in the areas of personal development, entrepreneurship and travel by sharing the experiences, daily habits and defining moments of high achievers from around the world. Join us as we find out what makes the Great Great so that you can apply their secrets to Create the Life YOU have always dreamed of!!!

**We record live on Sundays from 5:30- 6:30 pm (EST) on 90.3 FM in New York City or visual/ audio streaming on Facebook live at

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